Arabic for brain
1) brain-noun
∘ brain meaning in Arabic & English
[countable] the organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory, and feeling
الدماغ هو مركز الوعي في الجمجمة به يكون التفكير و الوعي و السيطرة العضلية الإرادية
∘ Plural of دماغ in Arabic
∘ Examples of brain in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce brain in English?
The word brain is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
2) brain-noun
∘ brain meaning in Arabic & English
[countable] the organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory, and feeling
العقل هو ما يكمن به التفكير و الإدراك و الاستدلال و التركيب و هو المسرول عن التفكير و الشعور الخ..........
∘ Plural of عقل in Arabic
∘ Examples of brain in Arabic and English
He is the actual schemer brain of the team.
هو العقل المدبّر الفعليّ للفريق.
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∘ How to pronounce brain in English?
The word brain is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
3) brain-noun
∘ brain meaning in Arabic & English
[countable] the organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory, and feeling
المخ هو الدماع و هو مركز الوعي في الجمجمة به يكون التفكير و الوعي و السيطرة العضلية الإرادية
∘ Plural of مخ in Arabic
∘ Examples of brain in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce brain in English?
The word brain is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
Arabic for brain
1) brain-noun
∘ brain meaning in Arabic & English
[countable] the organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory, and feeling
الدماغ هو مركز الوعي في الجمجمة به يكون التفكير و الوعي و السيطرة العضلية الإرادية
∘ Plural of دماغ in Arabic
∘ Examples of brain in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce brain in English?
The word brain is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
2) brain-noun
∘ brain meaning in Arabic & English
[countable] the organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory, and feeling
العقل هو ما يكمن به التفكير و الإدراك و الاستدلال و التركيب و هو المسرول عن التفكير و الشعور الخ..........
∘ Plural of عقل in Arabic
∘ Examples of brain in Arabic and English
He is the actual schemer brain of the team.
هو العقل المُدبّر الفعليّ للفريق.
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∘ How to pronounce brain in English?
The word brain is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
3) brain-noun
∘ brain meaning in Arabic & English
[countable] the organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory, and feeling
المخ هو الدماع و هو مركز الوعي في الجمجمة به يكون التفكير و الوعي و السيطرة العضلية الإرادية
∘ Plural of مخ in Arabic
∘ Examples of brain in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce brain in English?
The word brain is pronounced in English as
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