brilliant in Arabic

Meaning of brilliant in Arabic is: (بارع، ذكي، متقّد) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

brilliant in Arabic

Arabic for brilliant

1) brilliant-adj


  ∘ brilliant meaning in Arabic & English

very successful

بارع أيّ ساطع و مبهر و رائع

  ∘ Plural of بارع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of brilliant in Arabic and English

They rewarded him for his brilliant work.

كافؤوه لعمله البارع.

Her new novel achieved a brilliant hit.

إن روايتها الجديدة حققت نجاح بارع.

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It was a brilliant film and deserves the prize.

كان فيلنا بارعا يستحق الجائزة.

  ∘ How to pronounce brilliant in English?

The word brilliant is pronounced in English as

2) brilliant-adj


  ∘ brilliant meaning in Arabic & English

(of a person) very intelligent or skillful

الشخص الذكي هو الشخص النبيه و اللبيب و سريع الفهم

  ∘ Plural of ذكي in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of brilliant in Arabic and English

He is a brilliant boy and the first in the class.

إنه ولد ذكي و الأول في الصف.

Her mother is a brilliant scientist whom researchers depend on.

إن أمها عالمة ذكيّة يعتمد عليّها الباحثين.

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He is classified as one of the brilliant minds for his new invention.

صنف واحد من العقول الذكيّة بسبب اختراعه الجديد.

  ∘ How to pronounce brilliant in English?

The word brilliant is pronounced in English as

3) brilliant-adj


  ∘ brilliant meaning in Arabic & English

extremely intelligent or impressive

متقّد أيّ متلألأ و سريع البديهة ذكي و مثير للإعجاب

  ∘ Examples of brilliant in Arabic and English

The new invention is beneficial and brilliant.

الاختراع الجديد مفيد و متقّد.

They accepted him in the work because he has brilliant ideas.

قبلوه في العمل لأن لديّه أفكار متقّدة.

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Her performance as a teacher is brilliant so the level of the students became better.

إن أداءها كمعلّمة متقّد لذلك أصبح مستوى الطلاب أفضل.

  ∘ How to pronounce brilliant in English?

The word brilliant is pronounced in English as

Arabic for brilliant

1) brilliant-adj


  ∘ brilliant meaning in Arabic & English

very successful

بارع أيّ ساطع و مبهر و رائع

  ∘ Plural of بارع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of brilliant in Arabic and English

They rewarded him for his brilliant work.

كافؤوه لعمله البارع.

Her new novel achieved a brilliant hit.

إن روايتها الجديدة حققت نجاح بارع.

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It was a brilliant film and deserves the prize.

كان فيلناً بارعاً يستحق الجائزة.

  ∘ How to pronounce brilliant in English?

The word brilliant is pronounced in English as

2) brilliant-adj


  ∘ brilliant meaning in Arabic & English

(of a person) very intelligent or skillful

الشخص الذكي هو الشخص النبيه و اللبيب و سريع الفهم

  ∘ Plural of ذكي in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of brilliant in Arabic and English

He is a brilliant boy and the first in the class.

إنه ولد ذكي و الأول في الصف.

Her mother is a brilliant scientist whom researchers depend on.

إن أمها عالمة ذكيّة يعتمد عليّها الباحثين.

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He is classified as one of the brilliant minds for his new invention.

صُنف واحد من العقول الذكيّة بسبب اختراعه الجديد.

  ∘ How to pronounce brilliant in English?

The word brilliant is pronounced in English as

3) brilliant-adj


  ∘ brilliant meaning in Arabic & English

extremely intelligent or impressive

متقّد أيّ متلألأ و سريع البديهة ذكي و مثير للإعجاب

  ∘ Examples of brilliant in Arabic and English

The new invention is beneficial and brilliant.

الاختراع الجديد مفيد و متقّد.

They accepted him in the work because he has brilliant ideas.

قبلوه في العمل لأن لديّه أفكار متقّدة.

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Her performance as a teacher is brilliant so the level of the students became better.

إن أداءها كمعلّمة متقّد لذلك أصبح مستوى الطلاب أفضل.

  ∘ How to pronounce brilliant in English?

The word brilliant is pronounced in English as
