bond in Arabic

Meaning of bond in Arabic is: (رابط، قيد، مستند) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

bond in Arabic

Arabic for bond

1) bond-noun


  ∘ bond meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] something that forms a connection between people or groups, such as a feeling of friendship or shared ideas and experiences

الرابط هو ما يشكّل نقطة الإلتقاء بيّن مجموعة من الناس مثل المشاعر و التجارب و الفكر الخ.............

  ∘ Plural of رابط in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of bond in Arabic and English

They tried to strengthen the bonds between the two friends.

حاولوا أن يمتنوا الروابط بين الصديقيّن.

There is a spiritual bond between the twins.

هناك رابط روحي بيّن التوأميّن.

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The countries have built a formal bond between them.

بنى البلدان رابط رسمي بينهما.

  ∘ How to pronounce bond in English?

The word bond is pronounced in English as

2) bond-noun


  ∘ bond meaning in Arabic & English

bonds [plural] (formal) the ropes or chains keeping somebody prisoner; anything that stops you from being free to do what you want

القيد هو ما يشد به و يمنع الحركة بحريّة كالحبل أو السلاسل أو غيّرها أو ما يمنع من القيام بعمل ما

  ∘ Plural of قيد in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of bond in Arabic and English

The police put the bonds around the prisoner's wrist.

وضعت الشرطة القيود حول معصم السجين.

The new laws may break the bonds of injustice.

يمكن للقوانين الجديدة أن تكسر قيود الظلم.

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Societies are trying to release the bonds of racism.

تحاول المجتمعات أن تتجرر من قيود العنصريّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce bond in English?

The word bond is pronounced in English as

3) bond-noun


  ∘ bond meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] an agreement by a government or a company to pay you interest on the money you have lent; a document containing this agreement

المستند هو الوثيقة المكتوبة أو المطبوعة التي تحمل الشكل القانوني لدفع مستحقات ماليّة

  ∘ Examples of bond in Arabic and English

He put his money into market bonds.

وضع أموله في مستندات السوق.

They invested in some trading bonds.

قاموا باستثمار بعض المستندات التجاريّة.

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They paid their business bonds last year.

قاموا بتسديد مستندات أعمالهم العام الماضي.

  ∘ How to pronounce bond in English?

The word bond is pronounced in English as

Arabic for bond

1) bond-noun


  ∘ bond meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] something that forms a connection between people or groups, such as a feeling of friendship or shared ideas and experiences

الرابط هو ما يُشكّل نقطة الإلتقاء بيّن مجموعة من الناس مثل المشاعر و التجارب و الفكر الخ.............

  ∘ Plural of رابط in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of bond in Arabic and English

They tried to strengthen the bonds between the two friends.

حاولوا أن يمتنوا الروابط بين الصديقيّن.

There is a spiritual bond between the twins.

هناك رابط روحي بيّن التوأميّن.

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The countries have built a formal bond between them.

بنى البلدان رابط رسمي بينهما.

  ∘ How to pronounce bond in English?

The word bond is pronounced in English as

2) bond-noun


  ∘ bond meaning in Arabic & English

bonds [plural] (formal) the ropes or chains keeping somebody prisoner; anything that stops you from being free to do what you want

القيد هو ما يُشد به و يمنع الحركة بحريّة كالحبل أو السلاسل أو غيّرها أو ما يمنع من القيام بعمل ما

  ∘ Plural of قيد in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of bond in Arabic and English

The police put the bonds around the prisoner's wrist.

وضعت الشرطة القيود حول معصم السجين.

The new laws may break the bonds of injustice.

يمكن للقوانين الجديدة أن تكسر قيود الظلم.

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Societies are trying to release the bonds of racism.

تحاول المجتمعات أن تتجرر من قيود العنصريّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce bond in English?

The word bond is pronounced in English as

3) bond-noun


  ∘ bond meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] an agreement by a government or a company to pay you interest on the money you have lent; a document containing this agreement

المستند هو الوثيقة المكتوبة أو المطبوعة التي تحمل الشكل القانوني لدفع مستحقات ماليّة

  ∘ Examples of bond in Arabic and English

He put his money into market bonds.

وضع أموله في مستندات السوق.

They invested in some trading bonds.

قاموا باستثمار بعض المستندات التجاريّة.

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They paid their business bonds last year.

قاموا بتسديد مستندات أعمالهم العام الماضي.

  ∘ How to pronounce bond in English?

The word bond is pronounced in English as
