arrange in Arabic

Meaning of arrange in Arabic is: (أعدّ، رتب، عدّل) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

arrange in Arabic

Arabic for arrange

1) arrange-verb


  ∘ arrange meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, intransitive] to plan or organize something in advance

أعدّ لأمر ما أيّ استعدّ و تهيّأ له

Click to show conjugation of أعدّ

  ∘ أعدّ past tense conjugation in Arabic

أعدّ أعدّت أعدّدنا أعدّوا

  ∘ أعدّ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعذّ تعذّ أعذّ نعذّ يعذّون تعذّون

  ∘ أعدّ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أعدّ أعدّي أعدّوا

  ∘ Examples of arrange in Arabic and English

She will arrange for an exhibition next Monday.

سوف تعدّ لمعرض الإثنيّن القادم.

He arranged for a meeting in his office.

أعدّ لاجتماع في مكتبه.

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This car rental office arranges for a taxi to drive you home from the airport.

يعدّ مكتب تأجير السيّارات هذا سيّارة أجرة لتنقلك من المطار إلى البيّت.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrange in English?

The word arrange is pronounced in English as

2) arrange-verb


  ∘ arrange meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, intransitive] to plan or organize something in advance

رتب الأمور أو الأشياء أيّ نظمها

Click to show conjugation of رتب

  ∘ رتب past tense conjugation in Arabic

رتب رتبت رتبنا رتبوا

  ∘ رتب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يرتب ترتب أرتب نرتب يرتبون ترتبون

  ∘ رتب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

رتب رتبي رتبوا

  ∘ Examples of arrange in Arabic and English

He arranged how to get to the hotel.

رتب طريقة ذهابه إلى الفندق.

The appointment is at seven, as Mary arranged.

الموعد الساعة السابعة، كما رتبت ماري.

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The manager arranged the time to meet people.

رتب المدير أوقات مقابلاته للناس.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrange in English?

The word arrange is pronounced in English as

3) arrange-verb


  ∘ arrange meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive] arrange something (for something) to change a piece of music so that it is suitable for a particular instrument or voice

عدّل شيّء ما أيّ غيّره

Click to show conjugation of عدّل

  ∘ عدّل past tense conjugation in Arabic

عدّل عدّلت عدّلنا عدّلوا

  ∘ عدّل present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعدّل تعدّل أعدّل نعدّل يعدّلون تعدّلون

  ∘ عدّل imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

عدّل عدّلي عدّلوا

  ∘ Examples of arrange in Arabic and English

He arranged mood music for loud music.

عدّل الموسيقى الهادئة إلى موسيقى صاخبة.

She will arrange a piece of music for the violin.

سوف تعدّل قطعة موسيقيّة لتعزف على الكمان.

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Some western symphonies were arranged for eastern music.

عدّلت بعض السنفونيات الغربيّة لموسيقى شرقيّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrange in English?

The word arrange is pronounced in English as

4) arrange-verb


  ∘ arrange meaning in Arabic & English

arrange something to put something in a particular order; to make something neat or attractive

نسق الأشيّاء أيّ رتبها و مظّمها

Click to show conjugation of نسق

  ∘ نسق past tense conjugation in Arabic

نسق نسقت نسقنا نسقوا

  ∘ نسق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

ينسق تنسق أنسق ننسق ينسقون تنسقون

  ∘ نسق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

نسق نسقي نسقوا

  ∘ Examples of arrange in Arabic and English

She arranged the flowers in a vase.

نسقت الأزهار في مزهريّة.

He will arrange the steps of the conference.

سوف ينسق خطوات المؤتمر.

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They always arrange their seats in circle during their meetings.

ينسقون مقاعدهم بشكل دائريّ في اجتماعاتهم دائما.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrange in English?

The word arrange is pronounced in English as

5) arrange-verb


  ∘ arrange meaning in Arabic & English

arrange something to put something in a particular order; to make something neat or attractive

نظّم الأشيّاء أيّ رتبها وفق ترتيب معيّن

Click to show conjugation of نظّم

  ∘ نظّم past tense conjugation in Arabic

نظّم نظّمت نظّمنا نظّموا

  ∘ نظّم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

ينظّم تنظّم أنظّم ننظّم ينظّمون تنظّمون

  ∘ نظّم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

نظّم نظّمي نظّموا

  ∘ Examples of arrange in Arabic and English

They arranged the names alphabetically.

نظّموا الأسماء بحسب الأبجديّة.

The students will be arranged in rows.

سوف ينظّم الطلاب ضمن صفوف.

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The secretary arranges the files according to date.

تنظّم السكريتيرا الملفات وفق التاريخ.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrange in English?

The word arrange is pronounced in English as

6) arrange-verb


  ∘ arrange meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, intransitive] to plan or organize something in advance

وضّب الأشيّاء أيّ رتبها و أعدّها

Click to show conjugation of وضّب

  ∘ وضّب past tense conjugation in Arabic

وضّب وضّبت وضّبنا وضّبوا

  ∘ وضّب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يوضّب توضّب أوضّب نوضّب يوضّبون توضّبون

  ∘ وضّب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

وضّب وضّبي وضّبوا

  ∘ Examples of arrange in Arabic and English

He always arranges his books neatly.

يوضّب كتبه دائما يعناية.

They arranged the hall to take in more visitors.

وضّبوا القاعة لاستعاب المزيد من الزوّار.

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She will arrange her clothes in the travelling bag.

سوف توضّب ثيابها في حقيبة السفر.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrange in English?

The word arrange is pronounced in English as

Arabic for arrange

1) arrange-verb


  ∘ arrange meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, intransitive] to plan or organize something in advance

أعدّ لأمر ما أيّ استعدّ و تهيّأ له

Click to show conjugation of أعدّ

  ∘ أعدّ past tense conjugation in Arabic

أعدّ أعدّت أعدّدنا أعدّوا

  ∘ أعدّ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعذّ تعذّ أعذّ نعذّ يعذّون تعذّون

  ∘ أعدّ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أعدّ أعدّي أعدّوا

  ∘ Examples of arrange in Arabic and English

She will arrange for an exhibition next Monday.

سوف تعدّ لمعرض الإثنيّن القادم.

He arranged for a meeting in his office.

أعدّ لاجتماع في مكتبه.

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This car rental office arranges for a taxi to drive you home from the airport.

يعدّ مكتب تأجير السيّارات هذا سيّارة أجرة لتنقلك من المطار إلى البيّت.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrange in English?

The word arrange is pronounced in English as

2) arrange-verb


  ∘ arrange meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, intransitive] to plan or organize something in advance

رتب الأمور أو الأشياء أيّ نظمها

Click to show conjugation of رتب

  ∘ رتب past tense conjugation in Arabic

رتب رتبت رتبنا رتبوا

  ∘ رتب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يرتب ترتب أرتب نرتب يرتبون ترتبون

  ∘ رتب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

رتب رتبي رتبوا

  ∘ Examples of arrange in Arabic and English

He arranged how to get to the hotel.

رتب طريقة ذهابه إلى الفندق.

The appointment is at seven, as Mary arranged.

الموعد الساعة السابعة، كما رتبت ماري.

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The manager arranged the time to meet people.

رتب المدير أوقات مقابلاته للناس.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrange in English?

The word arrange is pronounced in English as

3) arrange-verb


  ∘ arrange meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive] arrange something (for something) to change a piece of music so that it is suitable for a particular instrument or voice

عدّل شيّء ما أيّ غيّره

Click to show conjugation of عدّل

  ∘ عدّل past tense conjugation in Arabic

عدّل عدّلت عدّلنا عدّلوا

  ∘ عدّل present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعدّل تعدّل أعدّل نعدّل يعدّلون تعدّلون

  ∘ عدّل imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

عدّل عدّلي عدّلوا

  ∘ Examples of arrange in Arabic and English

He arranged mood music for loud music.

عدّل الموسيقى الهادئة إلى موسيقى صاخبة.

She will arrange a piece of music for the violin.

سوف تعدّل قطعة موسيقيّة لتُعزف على الكمان.

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Some western symphonies were arranged for eastern music.

عُدّلت بعض السنفونيات الغربيّة لموسيقى شرقيّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrange in English?

The word arrange is pronounced in English as

4) arrange-verb


  ∘ arrange meaning in Arabic & English

arrange something to put something in a particular order; to make something neat or attractive

نسق الأشيّاء أيّ رتبها و مظّمها

Click to show conjugation of نسق

  ∘ نسق past tense conjugation in Arabic

نسق نسقت نسقنا نسقوا

  ∘ نسق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

ينسق تنسق أنسق ننسق ينسقون تنسقون

  ∘ نسق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

نسق نسقي نسقوا

  ∘ Examples of arrange in Arabic and English

She arranged the flowers in a vase.

نسقت الأزهار في مزهريّة.

He will arrange the steps of the conference.

سوف ينسق خطوات المؤتمر.

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They always arrange their seats in circle during their meetings.

ينسقون مقاعدهم بشكل دائريّ في اجتماعاتهم دائماً.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrange in English?

The word arrange is pronounced in English as

5) arrange-verb


  ∘ arrange meaning in Arabic & English

arrange something to put something in a particular order; to make something neat or attractive

نظّم الأشيّاء أيّ رتبها وفق ترتيب معيّن

Click to show conjugation of نظّم

  ∘ نظّم past tense conjugation in Arabic

نظّم نظّمت نظّمنا نظّموا

  ∘ نظّم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

ينظّم تنظّم أنظّم ننظّم ينظّمون تنظّمون

  ∘ نظّم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

نظّم نظّمي نظّموا

  ∘ Examples of arrange in Arabic and English

They arranged the names alphabetically.

نظّموا الأسماء بحسب الأبجديّة.

The students will be arranged in rows.

سوف يُنظّم الطلاب ضمن صفوف.

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The secretary arranges the files according to date.

تنظّم السكريتيرا الملفات وفق التاريخ.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrange in English?

The word arrange is pronounced in English as

6) arrange-verb


  ∘ arrange meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, intransitive] to plan or organize something in advance

وضّب الأشيّاء أيّ رتبها و أعدّها

Click to show conjugation of وضّب

  ∘ وضّب past tense conjugation in Arabic

وضّب وضّبت وضّبنا وضّبوا

  ∘ وضّب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يوضّب توضّب أوضّب نوضّب يوضّبون توضّبون

  ∘ وضّب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

وضّب وضّبي وضّبوا

  ∘ Examples of arrange in Arabic and English

He always arranges his books neatly.

يوضّب كتبه دائماً يعناية.

They arranged the hall to take in more visitors.

وضّبوا القاعة لاستعاب المزيد من الزوّار.

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She will arrange her clothes in the travelling bag.

سوف توضّب ثيابها في حقيبة السفر.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrange in English?

The word arrange is pronounced in English as
