accommodation in Arabic

Meaning of accommodation in Arabic is: (إتفاقية، إقامة، مبيت) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

accommodation in Arabic

Arabic for accommodation

1) accommodation-noun


  ∘ accommodation meaning in Arabic & English

an agreement or arrangement between people or groups with different opinions that is acceptable to everyone; the process of reaching this agreement

إتفاقية أي ترتيبات بين طرفين مختلفين في الآراء بحيث تكون مرضية لكلا الطرفين

  ∘ Examples of accommodation in Arabic and English

They are seeking for a new accommodation.

يبحثون عن إتفاقية جديدة.

They reached an accommodation with the enemy.

توصلوا إلى إتفاقية مع العدو.

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Most nations make accommodations with each other.

تقوم معظم الأمم بعقد إتفاقيات مع بعضها.

The two parties made accommodations, which satisfy both sides.

عقد الحزبين إتفاقية ترضي الطرفين.

  ∘ How to pronounce accommodation in English?

The word accommodation is pronounced in English as

2) accommodation-noun


  ∘ accommodation meaning in Arabic & English

somewhere to live or stay, often also providing food or other services

إقامة أي مكان ما للعيش أو البقاء فيه و يمكن أن يقديم الطعام أو خدمات أخرى

  ∘ Examples of accommodation in Arabic and English

Some boats provide reasonable accommodations.

تقدم بعض السفن إقامة معقولة.

They provided us with suitable accommodation.

قاموا بتزويدنا بإقامة مناسبة.

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The travelers looked for accommodations in homes.

بحث المسافرون عن إقامات في بيوت .

Passengers usually prefer cheap accommodations.

يفضل المسافرون دائما إقامات رخيصة.

  ∘ How to pronounce accommodation in English?

The word accommodation is pronounced in English as

3) accommodation-noun


  ∘ accommodation meaning in Arabic & English

a place to live, work or stay in

مبيت أي مكان لتسكن أو تعيش قيه

  ∘ Examples of accommodation in Arabic and English

They provided extra accommodation for the guests.

قدموا مبيت إضافي للضيوف.

Prices include flights and hotel accommodation.

تتضمن الأسعار رحلات الطيران و المبيت في الفندق.

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The hotel needs new rooms for accommodation.

يحتاج الفندق غرف جديدة للمبيت.

The company offers accommodation for employees.

تقدم الشركة مبيت للموظفين.

  ∘ How to pronounce accommodation in English?

The word accommodation is pronounced in English as

Arabic for accommodation

1) accommodation-noun


  ∘ accommodation meaning in Arabic & English

an agreement or arrangement between people or groups with different opinions that is acceptable to everyone; the process of reaching this agreement

إتفاقية أي ترتيبات بين طرفين مُختلفين في الآراء بحيث تكون مُرضية لكلا الطرفين

  ∘ Examples of accommodation in Arabic and English

They are seeking for a new accommodation.

يبحثون عن إتفاقية جديدة.

They reached an accommodation with the enemy.

توصلوا إلى إتفاقية مع العدو.

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Most nations make accommodations with each other.

تقوم مُعظم الأمم بعقد إتفاقيات مع بعضها.

The two parties made accommodations, which satisfy both sides.

عَقَدَ الحزبين إتفاقية ترضي الطرفين.

  ∘ How to pronounce accommodation in English?

The word accommodation is pronounced in English as

2) accommodation-noun


  ∘ accommodation meaning in Arabic & English

somewhere to live or stay, often also providing food or other services

إقامة أي مكان ما للعيش أو البقاء فيه و يمكن أن يُقديم الطعام أو خدمات أُخرى

  ∘ Examples of accommodation in Arabic and English

Some boats provide reasonable accommodations.

تُقدم بعض السفن إقامة معقولة.

They provided us with suitable accommodation.

قاموا بتزويدنا بإقامة مناسبة.

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The travelers looked for accommodations in homes.

بحث المسافرون عن إقامات في بيوت .

Passengers usually prefer cheap accommodations.

يفضل المسافرون دائماً إقامات رخيصة.

  ∘ How to pronounce accommodation in English?

The word accommodation is pronounced in English as

3) accommodation-noun


  ∘ accommodation meaning in Arabic & English

a place to live, work or stay in

مبيت أي مكان لتسكن أو تعيش قيه

  ∘ Examples of accommodation in Arabic and English

They provided extra accommodation for the guests.

قدموا مبيت إضافي للضيوف.

Prices include flights and hotel accommodation.

تتضمن الأسعار رحلات الطيران و المبيت في الفندق.

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The hotel needs new rooms for accommodation.

يحتاج الفندق غرف جديدة للمبيت.

The company offers accommodation for employees.

تقدم الشركة مبيت للموظفين.

  ∘ How to pronounce accommodation in English?

The word accommodation is pronounced in English as
