كفاية in English

Meaning of كفاية in English is: (adequately, sufficiently) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

كفاية بالانجليزي

English for كفاية


1) adequately-adverb


  ∘ كفاية meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of كفاية in English and Arabic

I am not adequately sure where he lives

أنا غير متأكّد كفاية من عنوان سكنه

I am adequately proficient in English

إنّني متمكّن كفاية من اللّغة الإنكليزيّة

2) sufficiently-adverb


  ∘ كفاية meaning in English & Arabic

enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need

كفاية أي بقدر ما تحتاج

  ∘ Examples of كفاية in English and Arabic

I don't feel sufficiently well to go to the gym

لا أشعر أنّي صحيح كفاية للذّهاب إلى النّادي الرّياضيّ

He has sufficiently recovered to be discharged from the hospital

تعافى كفاية للخروج من المشفى

More Examples

The escalation was sufficiently serious to justify our intervention

كان التّصعيد خطيرا كفاية لتبرير تدخّلنا

  ∘ How to pronounce كفاية in English?

sufficiently is pronounced in English as

English for كفاية


1) adequately-adverb


  ∘ كِفَايَةً meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of كِفَايَةً in English and Arabic

I am not adequately sure where he lives

أَنَا غَيْرُ مُتَأَكِّدٍ كِفَايَةً مِنْ عُنْوَانِ سَكَنِهِ

I am adequately proficient in English

إِنَّنِيْ مُتَمَكِّنٌ كِفَايَةً مِنَ اللُّغَةِ الإِنْكْلِيْزِيَّةَ

2) sufficiently-adverb


  ∘ كِفَايَة meaning in English & Arabic

enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need

كِفَايَةً أَيْ بِقَدْرِ مَا تَحْتَاجُ

  ∘ Examples of كِفَايَة in English and Arabic

I don't feel sufficiently well to go to the gym

لَا أَشْعُرُ أَنِّيْ صَحِيْحٌ كِفَايَةً لِلذَّهَابِ إِلَىْ النَّادِيْ الرِّيَاضِيِّ

He has sufficiently recovered to be discharged from the hospital

تَعَافَىْ كِفَايَةً لِلْخُرُوْجِ مِنَ المَشْفَىْ

More Examples

The escalation was sufficiently serious to justify our intervention

كَانَ التَّصْعِيْدُ خَطِيْرًا كِفَايَةً لِتَبْرِيْرِ تَدَخُّلِنَا

  ∘ How to pronounce كِفَايَة in English?

sufficiently is pronounced in English as
