وشيك in English

Meaning of وشيك in English is: (forthcoming, imminent) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

وشيك بالانجليزي

English for وشيك


1) forthcoming-adj


  ∘ وشيك meaning in English & Arabic

[only before noun] going to happen, be published, etc. very soon

وشيك أي قريب الحدوث

  ∘ Examples of وشيك in English and Arabic

The forthcoming Russian presidential elections

الانتخابات الرّئاسيّة الرّوسيّة الوشيكة

Warning of a forthcoming war might erupt anytime between the north and the south

تحذيرات من حرب وشيكة قد تندلع في أيّ لحظة بين الشّمال والجنوب

More Examples

We anticipate a forthcoming peace agreement between Israel and more Arab countries

نتوقّع اتّفاقيّات سلام وشيكة بين إسرائيل ومزيد من الدّول العربيّة

All his enemies were waiting his forthcoming death patiently

كان جميع أعدائه ينتظرون موته الوشيك بصبر

Forthcoming bloody battles

معارك دامية وشيكة

The forthcoming match between Barcelona nd Real Madrid

المباراة الوشيكة بين برشلونة وريال مدريد

There is no forthcoming end to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

لا نهاية وشيكة للأزمة الإنسانيّة في اليمن

The president's forthcoming visit to China

زيارة الرّئيس الوشيكة للصّين

  ∘ How to pronounce وشيك in English?

forthcoming is pronounced in English as

2) imminent-adj


  ∘ وشيك meaning in English & Arabic

​(especially of something unpleasant) likely to happen very soon

وشيك أي سوف يحدث قريبا

  ∘ Plural of وشيك in Arabic

وشيكون / وشيكين / وشيكات

  ∘ Examples of وشيك in English and Arabic

The civil war in Libya seems imminent

تبدو الحرب الأهليّة وشيكة في ليبيا

The regime is in imminent danger of collapse

انهيار النّظام وشيك

More Examples

The patient was in imminent danger of dying, but we saved him

كان موت المريض وشيكا ولكنّنا أنقذناه

Our victory is imminent and they are bound to lose

انتصارنا وشيك وهم سيهزمون

The humanitarian disaster is immanent and we cannot avoid it

الكارثة الإنسانيّة وشيكة ولا يمكننا تجنّبها

I warned you that the attack was imminent

حذّرتك أنّ الهجوم وشيك

  ∘ How to pronounce وشيك in English?

imminent is pronounced in English as

English for وشيك


1) forthcoming-adj


  ∘ وَشِيْك meaning in English & Arabic

[only before noun] going to happen, be published, etc. very soon

وَشِيْكٌ أَيْ قَرِيْبُ الحُدُوْثِ

  ∘ Examples of وَشِيْك in English and Arabic

The forthcoming Russian presidential elections

الِانْتِخَابَاتُ الرِّئَاسِيَّةُ الرُّوْسِيَّةُ الوَشِيْكَةُ

Warning of a forthcoming war might erupt anytime between the north and the south

تَحْذِيْرَاتٌ مِنْ حَرْبٍ وَشِيْكَةٍ قَدْ تَنْدَلِعُ فِيْ أَيِّ لَحْظَةٍ بَيْنَ الشَّمَالِ وَالجَنُوْبِ

More Examples

We anticipate a forthcoming peace agreement between Israel and more Arab countries

نَتَوَقَّعُ اتِّفَاقِيَّاتِ سَلَامٍ وَشِيْكَةً بَيْنَ إِسْرَائِيْلَ وَمَزِيْدٍ مِنَ الدُّوَلِ العَرَبِيَّةِ

All his enemies were waiting his forthcoming death patiently

كَانَ جَمِيْعُ أَعْدَائِهِ يَنْتَظِرُوْنَ مَوْتَهُ الوَشِيْكَ بِصَبْرٍ

Forthcoming bloody battles

مَعَارِكُ دَامِيَةٌ وَشِيْكَةٌ

The forthcoming match between Barcelona nd Real Madrid

المُبَارَاةُ الوَشِيْكَةُ بَيْنَ بَرْشَلُوْنَةَ وَرِيَالَ مَدْرِيْدَ

There is no forthcoming end to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

لَا نِهَايَةَ وَشِيْكَةً لِلْأَزْمَةِ الإِنْسَانِيَّةِ فِيْ اليَمَنِ

The president's forthcoming visit to China

زِيَارَةُ الرَّئِيْسِ الوَشِيْكَةُ لِلصِّيْنِ

  ∘ How to pronounce وَشِيْك in English?

forthcoming is pronounced in English as

2) imminent-adj


  ∘ وَشِيْك meaning in English & Arabic

​(especially of something unpleasant) likely to happen very soon

وَشِيْكٌ أَيْ سَوْفَ يَحْدُثُ قَرِيْبًا

  ∘ Plural of وَشِيْك in Arabic

وَشِيْكُوْنَ / وَشِيْكِيْنَ / وَشِيْكَات

  ∘ Examples of وَشِيْك in English and Arabic

The civil war in Libya seems imminent

تَبْدُوْ الحَرْبُ الأَهْلِيَّةُ وَشِيْكَةً فِيْ لِيْبِيَا

The regime is in imminent danger of collapse

انْهِيَارُ النِّظَامِ وَشِيْكٌ

More Examples

The patient was in imminent danger of dying, but we saved him

كَانَ مَوْتُ المَرِيْضِ وَشِيْكًا وَلَكِنَّنَا أَنْقَذْنَاهُ

Our victory is imminent and they are bound to lose

انْتِصَارُنَا وَشِيْكٌ وَهُمْ سَيُهْزَمُوْنَ

The humanitarian disaster is immanent and we cannot avoid it

الكَارِثَةُ الإِنْسَانِيَّةُ وَشِيْكَةٌ وَلَا يُمْكِنُنَا تَجَنُّبُهَا

I warned you that the attack was imminent

حَذَّرْتُكَ أَنَّ الهُجُوْمَ وَشِيْكٌ

  ∘ How to pronounce وَشِيْك in English?

imminent is pronounced in English as
