مقياس in English

Meaning of مقياس in English is: (scale) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

مقياس بالانجليزي

English for مقياس


1) scale-noun


  ∘ مقياس meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of مقياس in English and Arabic

The scale of the project was immense.

كان حجم المشروع ضخما.

The disaster scale shocked everyone.

صدم حجم الكارثة الجميع.

More Examples

On a global scale, the problem is even more serious.

في المقياس العالمي، المشكلة أكثر خطورة.

They measured the earthquake scale.

قاسوا مقياس الزلزال.

The event success was on an unprecedented scale.

كان نجاح الحدث على مقياس غير مسبوق.

The scales of justice is fixed and can't be changed.

مقياس العدالة ثابت و لا يمكن أن يتغير.

  ∘ How to pronounce مقياس in English?

scale is pronounced in English as

English for مقياس


1) scale-noun


  ∘ مِقْيَاس meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of مِقْيَاس in English and Arabic

The scale of the project was immense.

كان حجم المشروع ضخمًا.

The disaster scale shocked everyone.

صدم حجم الكارثة الجميع.

More Examples

On a global scale, the problem is even more serious.

في المقياس العالمي، المشكلة أكثر خطورة.

They measured the earthquake scale.

قاسوا مقياس الزلزال.

The event success was on an unprecedented scale.

كان نجاح الحدث على مقياس غير مسبوق.

The scales of justice is fixed and can't be changed.

مقياس العدالة ثابت و لا يمكن أن يتغير.

  ∘ How to pronounce مِقْيَاس in English?

scale is pronounced in English as
