English for محاكمة
1) prosecution-noun
∘ محاكمة meaning in English & Arabic
[uncountable, countable] the process of trying to prove in court that somebody is guilty of a crime (= of prosecuting them); the process of being officially charged with a crime in court
المحاكمة هي عمليّة توجيه الاتّهام رسميّا إلى شخص ما بارتكاب جريمة محدّدة أو عمليّة إثبات تورّطه فيها
∘ Plural of محاكمة in Arabic
∘ Examples of محاكمة in English and Arabic
a criminal prosecution
محاكمة جنائيّة
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2) trial-Noun
∘ محاكمة meaning in English & Arabic
A formal examination of evidence in court by a judge and often a jury, to decide if somebody accused of a crime is guilty or not.
فحص رسمي للأدلة في المحكمة من قبل قاض وغالبا ما يكون هناك هيئة محلفين، لتحديد ما إذا كان الشخص المتهم بارتكاب جريمة مذنبا أم لا.
∘ Examples of محاكمة in English and Arabic
During the trial, several witnesses were called to testify.
تم استدعاء عدة شهود للإدلاء بشهاداتهم خلال المحاكمة.
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce محاكمة in English?
trial is pronounced in English as
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English for محاكمة
1) prosecution-noun
∘ مُحَاكَمَة meaning in English & Arabic
[uncountable, countable] the process of trying to prove in court that somebody is guilty of a crime (= of prosecuting them); the process of being officially charged with a crime in court
المُحَاكَمَةُ هِيَ عَمَلِيَّةُ تَوْجِيْهِ الِاتِّهَامِ رَسْمِيًّا إِلَىْ شَخْصٍ مَا بِارْتِكَابِ جَرِيْمَةٍ مُحَدَّدَةٍ أَوْ عَمَلِيَّةُ إِثْبَاتِ تَوَرُّطِهِ فِيْهَا
∘ Plural of مُحَاكَمَة in Arabic
∘ Examples of مُحَاكَمَة in English and Arabic
Senior executives are liable to prosecution
كِبَارُ المُدَرَاءِ التَّنْفِيْذِيِّيْنَ عُرْضَةٌ (= مُعَرَّضُوْنَ) لِلْمُحَاكَمَةِ
a criminal prosecution
مُحَاكَمَةٌ جِنَائِيَّةٌ
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2) trial-Noun
∘ محاكمة meaning in English & Arabic
A formal examination of evidence in court by a judge and often a jury, to decide if somebody accused of a crime is guilty or not.
فحص رسمي للأدلة في المحكمة من قبل قاضٍ وغالبًا ما يكون هناك هيئة محلفين، لتحديد ما إذا كان الشخص المتهم بارتكاب جريمة مذنبًا أم لا.
∘ Examples of محاكمة in English and Arabic
During the trial, several witnesses were called to testify.
تم استدعاء عدة شهود للإدلاء بشهاداتهم خلال المحاكمة.
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce محاكمة in English?
trial is pronounced in English as
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