دفاع in English

Meaning of دفاع in English is: (defence) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

دفاع بالانجليزي

English for دفاع


1) defence-n


  ∘ دفاع meaning in English & Arabic

the act of protecting somebody/something from attack, criticism, etc

عملية حماية شخص ما أو شيء ما من الهجوم أو الانتقادات وما إلى ذلك

  ∘ Examples of دفاع in English and Arabic

The country has strengthened its coastal defence.

قامت الدولة بتقوية دفاعها الساحلي.

He spoke in defence of the new project.

تحدث دفاعا عن المشروع الجديد.

More Examples

A good offence is the best defence.

الهجوم الجيد هو أفضل دفاع.

They called for a national defence strategy.

دعوا إلى استراتيجية دفاع وطنية.

The castle had various mechanisms of defence.

كان للقلعة آليات دفاع متنوعة.

Defences were erected around the city.

أقيمت دفاعات حول المدينة.

  ∘ How to pronounce دفاع in English?

defence is pronounced in English as

English for دفاع


1) defence-n


  ∘ دفاع meaning in English & Arabic

the act of protecting somebody/something from attack, criticism, etc

عملية حماية شخص ما أو شيء ما من الهجوم أو الانتقادات وما إلى ذلك

  ∘ Examples of دفاع in English and Arabic

The country has strengthened its coastal defence.

قامت الدولة بتقوية دفاعها الساحلي.

He spoke in defence of the new project.

تحدث دفاعاً عن المشروع الجديد.

More Examples

A good offence is the best defence.

الهجوم الجيد هو أفضل دفاع.

They called for a national defence strategy.

دعوا إلى استراتيجية دفاع وطنية.

The castle had various mechanisms of defence.

كان للقلعة آليات دفاع متنوعة.

Defences were erected around the city.

أقيمت دفاعات حول المدينة.

  ∘ How to pronounce دفاع in English?

defence is pronounced in English as
