pleased in Arabic

Meaning of pleased in Arabic is: (مسرور) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

pleased in Arabic

Arabic for pleased

1) pleased-adj


  ∘ pleased meaning in Arabic & English

feeling happy about something

الشعور بالسعادة تجاه شيء ما

  ∘ Examples of pleased in Arabic and English

She was pleased with her exam results.

كانت مسرورة بنتائج امتحاناتها.

The audience seemed pleased with the performance.

بدا الجمهور مسرور بالعرض.

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They were not pleased about the delay.

لم يكونوا مسرورين بشأن التأخير.

He is always pleased to help others.

هو دائما مسرور بمساعدة الآخرين.

Parents were pleased with their children

كان الآباء مسرورين بتقدم أطفالهم.


أنا مسرور لأنك اتخذت القرار الصحيح.

  ∘ How to pronounce pleased in English?

The word pleased is pronounced in English as

Arabic for pleased

1) pleased-adj


  ∘ pleased meaning in Arabic & English

feeling happy about something

الشعور بالسعادة تجاه شيء ما

  ∘ Examples of pleased in Arabic and English

She was pleased with her exam results.

كانت مسرورة بنتائج امتحاناتها.

The audience seemed pleased with the performance.

بدا الجمهور مسرور بالعرض.

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They were not pleased about the delay.

لم يكونوا مسرورين بشأن التأخير.

He is always pleased to help others.

هو دائمًا مسرور بمساعدة الآخرين.

Parents were pleased with their children

كان الآباء مسرورين بتقدم أطفالهم.


أنا مسرور لأنك اتخذت القرار الصحيح.

  ∘ How to pronounce pleased in English?

The word pleased is pronounced in English as
