غائب in English

Meaning of غائب in English is: (absent, away) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

غائب بالانجليزي

English for غائب


1) absent-adj


  ∘ غائب meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of غائب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of غائب in English and Arabic

He was absent from school because of his sickness

كان غائبا عن المدرسة لمرضه

I was absent when the fire set

كنت غائبا عند وقوع الحريق

  ∘ How to pronounce غائب in English?

absent is pronounced in English as



  ∘ غائب meaning in English & Arabic

not preset in something

  ∘ Examples of غائب in English and Arabic

Discrimination is absent from our society

العنصريّة غائبة عن مجتمعنا

Violence is absent from our parenting style

العنف غائب عن نهج تربيتنا

2) away-adverb


  ∘ غائب meaning in English & Arabic

not present

غائب أيّ غير حاضر

  ∘ Examples of غائب in English and Arabic

He is away because he is ill.

هو غائب لأنه مريض.

There were two students away from their class.

كان هناك طالبان غائبان عن فصلهما.

More Examples

She was away from the company for a whole month.

كانت غائبة عن الشركة لمدة شهر كامل.

  ∘ How to pronounce غائب in English?

away is pronounced in English as

English for غائب


1) absent-adj


  ∘ غَائِب meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Plural of غَائِب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of غَائِب in English and Arabic

He was absent from school because of his sickness

كَانَ غَائِبًا عَنِ المَدْرَسَةِ لِمَرَضِهِ

I was absent when the fire set

كُنْتُ غَائِبًا عِنْدَ وُقُوْعِ الحَرِيْقِ

  ∘ How to pronounce غَائِب in English?

absent is pronounced in English as



  ∘ غَائِب meaning in English & Arabic

not preset in something

  ∘ Examples of غَائِب in English and Arabic

Discrimination is absent from our society

العُنْصُرِيَّةُ غَائِبَةٌ عَنْ مُجْتَمَعِنَا

Violence is absent from our parenting style

العُنْفُ غَائِبٌ عَنْ نَهْجِ تَرْبِيَتِنَا

2) away-adverb


  ∘ غائب meaning in English & Arabic

not present

غائب أيّ غير حاضر

  ∘ Examples of غائب in English and Arabic

He is away because he is ill.

هو غائب لأنه مريض.

There were two students away from their class.

كان هناك طالبان غائبان عن فصلهما.

More Examples

She was away from the company for a whole month.

كانت غائبة عن الشركة لمدة شهر كامل.

  ∘ How to pronounce غائب in English?

away is pronounced in English as
