عادي in English

Meaning of عادي in English is: (anonymous, mainstream, regular) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

عادي بالانجليزي

English for عادي


1) anonymous-adj


  ∘ عادي meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of عادي in English and Arabic

There is nothing interesting about it. Just another anonymous statue.

لا يوجد شيء مثير للإهتمام فيه. مجرد تمثال عادي.

  ∘ How to pronounce عادي in English?

anonymous is pronounced in English as

2) mainstream-adj


  ∘ عاديّ meaning in English & Arabic

​mainstream education is for children who do not have any special needs or difficulties

المدارس العاديّة هي المدارس الّتي تستقبل الطّلّاب الطّبيعيّين ممّن لا يعاني من مشاكل صحّيّة أو صعوبات تعليميّة

  ∘ Examples of عاديّ in English and Arabic

Children with learning difficulties should be registered in mainstream schools

ينبغي ألّا يسجّل الأطفال الّذين يعانون من صعوبات التّعلّم في لمدارس العاديّة

Many disabled students are integrated into mainstream schools

يتمّ دمج كثير من الطّلّاب المعوّقين في المدارس العاديّة

  ∘ How to pronounce عاديّ in English?

mainstream is pronounced in English as

3) regular-adj


  ∘ عاديّ meaning in English & Arabic

of a normal or standard size

  ∘ Examples of عاديّ in English and Arabic

I want a regular glass of juice

أريد كأس عصير ذو حجم عاديّ

  ∘ How to pronounce عاديّ in English?

regular is pronounced in English as



  ∘ عاديّ meaning in English & Arabic

ordinary without any extra or special features

  ∘ Examples of عاديّ in English and Arabic

My father is a regular man

والدي رجل عاديّ

I bought regular trousers

اشتريت بنطالا عاديّا

4) average-adj


  ∘ عادي meaning in English & Arabic

ordinary; not especially good

عادي أيّ مألوف و بسيط غير متجاوز عامّة الناس

  ∘ Examples of عادي in English and Arabic

Her results were pretty average.

كانت نتائجها عاديّة.

He is just an average sort of person.

إنه مجرد سخص عادي.

More Examples

This car is made for people of average incomes.

صنعت السيّارة من أجل الناس ذات الدخل العادي.

  ∘ How to pronounce عادي in English?

average is pronounced in English as

5) ordinary-adj


  ∘ عادي meaning in English & Arabic

not unusual or different in any way

ليس غير عادي أو مختلف بأي شكل

  ∘ Examples of عادي in English and Arabic

It was just an ordinary day at work.

كان يوما عاديا في العمل.

He wears ordinary clothes.

يرتدي ملابس عادية.

More Examples

The meal was quite ordinary.

كان الطعام عاديا تماما.

She lives in an ordinary neighborhood.

تعيش في حي عادي.

The service was no better than ordinary.

لم تكن الخدمة أفضل من العادية.

His performance was perfectly ordinary.

كان أداؤه عاديا تماما.

  ∘ How to pronounce عادي in English?

ordinary is pronounced in English as

6) normal-adj


  ∘ عادي meaning in English & Arabic

typical, usual or ordinary; what you would expect

نموذجي، معتاد أو عادي؛ ما تتوقعه

  ∘ Examples of عادي in English and Arabic

The room's temperature is normal.

حرارة الغرفة عادية.

A normal school day starts at 8 a.m.

يبدأ يوم الدراسة العادي في الساعة 8 صباحا.

More Examples

This is a normal procedure for us.

هذا إجراء عادي بالنسبة لنا.

He seemed like a normal guy.

بدا شخصا عاديا .

  ∘ How to pronounce عادي in English?

normal is pronounced in English as

English for عادي


1) anonymous-adj


  ∘ عادي meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of عادي in English and Arabic

There is nothing interesting about it. Just another anonymous statue.

لَا يُوْجَدُ شَيٌء مُثِيْرٌ لِلإهْتِمَامِ فِيْهِ. مُجَرَدُ تِمْثَالِِ عَادِيِِ.

  ∘ How to pronounce عادي in English?

anonymous is pronounced in English as

2) mainstream-adj


  ∘ عَادِيّ meaning in English & Arabic

​mainstream education is for children who do not have any special needs or difficulties

المَدَارِسُ العَادِيَّةُ هِيَ المَدَارِسُ الَّتِيْ تَسْتَقْبِلُ الطُّلَّابَ الطَّبِيْعِيِّيْنَ مِمَّنْ لَا يُعَانِيْ مِنْ مَشَاكِلَ صِحِّيَّةً أَوْ صُعُوْبَاتٍ تَعْلِيْمِيَّةً

  ∘ Examples of عَادِيّ in English and Arabic

Children with learning difficulties should be registered in mainstream schools

يَنْبَغِيْ أَلَّا يُسَجَّلَ الأَطْفَالُ الَّذِيْنَ يُعَانُوْنَ مِنْ صُعُوْبَاتِ التَّعَلُّمِ فِيْ لمَدَارِسِ العَادِيَّةِ

Many disabled students are integrated into mainstream schools

يَتِمُّ دَمْجُ كَثِيْرٍ مِنَ الطُّلَّابِ المُعَوَّقِيْنَ فِيْ المَدَارِسِ العَادِيَّةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce عَادِيّ in English?

mainstream is pronounced in English as

3) regular-adj


  ∘ عَادِيّ meaning in English & Arabic

of a normal or standard size

  ∘ Examples of عَادِيّ in English and Arabic

I want a regular glass of juice

أُرِيْدُ كَأْسَ عَصِيْرٍ ذُوْ حَجْمٍ عَادِيٍّ

  ∘ How to pronounce عَادِيّ in English?

regular is pronounced in English as



  ∘ عَادِيّ meaning in English & Arabic

ordinary without any extra or special features

  ∘ Examples of عَادِيّ in English and Arabic

My father is a regular man

وَالِدِيْ رَجُلٌ عَادِيٌّ

I bought regular trousers

اشْتَرَيْتُ بِنْطَالًا عَادِيًّا

4) average-adj


  ∘ عادي meaning in English & Arabic

ordinary; not especially good

عادي أيّ مألوف و بسيط غير متجاوز عامّة الناس

  ∘ Examples of عادي in English and Arabic

Her results were pretty average.

كانت نتائجها عاديّة.

He is just an average sort of person.

إنه مجرد سخص عادي.

More Examples

This car is made for people of average incomes.

صُنعت السيّارة من أجل الناس ذات الدخل العادي.

  ∘ How to pronounce عادي in English?

average is pronounced in English as

5) ordinary-adj


  ∘ عادي meaning in English & Arabic

not unusual or different in any way

ليس غير عادي أو مختلف بأي شكل

  ∘ Examples of عادي in English and Arabic

It was just an ordinary day at work.

كان يومًا عاديًا في العمل.

He wears ordinary clothes.

يُرتدي ملابس عادية.

More Examples

The meal was quite ordinary.

كان الطعام عاديًا تمامًا.

She lives in an ordinary neighborhood.

تعيش في حي عادي.

The service was no better than ordinary.

لم تكن الخدمة أفضل من العادية.

His performance was perfectly ordinary.

كان أداؤه عاديًا تمامًا.

  ∘ How to pronounce عادي in English?

ordinary is pronounced in English as

6) normal-adj


  ∘ عادي meaning in English & Arabic

typical, usual or ordinary; what you would expect

نموذجي، معتاد أو عادي؛ ما تتوقعه

  ∘ Examples of عادي in English and Arabic

The room's temperature is normal.

حرارة الغرفة عادية.

A normal school day starts at 8 a.m.

يبدأ يوم الدراسة العادي في الساعة 8 صباحًا.

More Examples

This is a normal procedure for us.

هذا إجراء عادي بالنسبة لنا.

He seemed like a normal guy.

بدا شخصا عاديا .

  ∘ How to pronounce عادي in English?

normal is pronounced in English as
