عاجز in English

Meaning of عاجز in English is: (naked, unable) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

عاجز بالانجليزي

English for عاجز


1) naked -adj


  ∘ عاجز meaning in English & Arabic

​[not usually before noun] unable to protect yourself from being harmed, criticized, etc.

عاجز أي لا يمكنه الدّفاع عن نفسه

  ∘ Plural of عاجز in Arabic

عاجزون / عاجزين / عجز / عجزة / عواجز / عاجزات

  ∘ Examples of عاجز in English and Arabic

Standing in front of him, I felt completely naked

شعرت أنّي عاجز كلّيّا وأنا واقف أمامه

She still felt naked after her ordeal

لا زالت تشعر أنّها عاجزة بعد محنتها

More Examples

A handful of weak and naked people

حفنة من الضّعفاء والعاجزين

  ∘ How to pronounce عاجز in English?

naked is pronounced in English as

2) unable-adj


  ∘ عاجز meaning in English & Arabic

not having the skill, strength, time, knowledge, etc. to do something

عدم امتلاك المهارة، القوة، الوقت، المعرفة، إلخ للقيام بشيء

  ∘ Examples of عاجز in English and Arabic

She was unable to solve the puzzle.

كانت عاجزة عن حل اللغز.

They are unable to attend the meeting.

هم عاجزون عن حضور الاجتماع.

More Examples

The team was unable to score a goal.

كان الفريق عاجزا عن تسجيل هدف.

She feels unable to continue her study.

تشعر بأنها عاجزة عن مواصلة دراستها.

He was unable to lift the heavy box.

كان عاجزا عن رفع الصندوق الثقيل.

  ∘ How to pronounce عاجز in English?

unable is pronounced in English as

English for عاجز


1) naked -adj


  ∘ عَاجِز meaning in English & Arabic

​[not usually before noun] unable to protect yourself from being harmed, criticized, etc.

عَاجِزٌ أَيْ لَا يُمْكِنُهُ الدِّفَاعُ عَنْ نَفْسِهِ

  ∘ Plural of عَاجِز in Arabic

عَاجِزُوْنَ / عَاجِزِيْنَ / عَجَز / عَجَزَة / عَوَاجِزُ / عَاجِزَات

  ∘ Examples of عَاجِز in English and Arabic

Standing in front of him, I felt completely naked

شَعَرْتُ أَنِّيْ عَاجِزٌ كُلِّيًّا وَأَنَا وَاقِفٌ أَمَامَهُ

She still felt naked after her ordeal

لَا زَالَتْ تَشْعُرُ أَنَّهَا عَاجِزَةٌ بَعْدَ مِحْنَتِهَا

More Examples

A handful of weak and naked people

حُفْنَةٌ مِنَ الضُّعَفَاءِ وَالعَاجِزِيْنَ

  ∘ How to pronounce عَاجِز in English?

naked is pronounced in English as

2) unable-adj


  ∘ عاجز meaning in English & Arabic

not having the skill, strength, time, knowledge, etc. to do something

عدم امتلاك المهارة، القوة، الوقت، المعرفة، إلخ للقيام بشيء

  ∘ Examples of عاجز in English and Arabic

She was unable to solve the puzzle.

كانت عاجزة عن حل اللغز.

They are unable to attend the meeting.

هم عاجزون عن حضور الاجتماع.

More Examples

The team was unable to score a goal.

كان الفريق عاجزاً عن تسجيل هدف.

She feels unable to continue her study.

تشعر بأنها عاجزة عن مواصلة دراستها.

He was unable to lift the heavy box.

كان عاجزاً عن رفع الصندوق الثقيل.

  ∘ How to pronounce عاجز in English?

unable is pronounced in English as
