صدام in English

Meaning of صدام in English is: (clash) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

صدام بالانجليزي

English for صدام


1) clash -noun


  ∘ صدام meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of صدام in English and Arabic

The dispute over the sacredness of the temple led to a clash between the two cults.

أدى الخلاف حول قدسية المعبد إلى صدام بين الطائفتين.

The takeover process led to a clash between the board members.

أدت عملية الاستحواذ إلى صدام بين أعضاء مجلس الإدارة.

More Examples

The discourse over local issues deteriorated into a clash.

تدهور الحوار حول القضايا المحليّة إلى صدام.

  ∘ How to pronounce صدام in English?

clash is pronounced in English as

English for صدام


1) clash -noun


  ∘ صِدَام meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of صِدَام in English and Arabic

The dispute over the sacredness of the temple led to a clash between the two cults.

أَدَى الْخِلَافُ حَوْلَ قُدْسِيَةِ الْمَعْبَدِ إِلَى صِدَامٍ بَيْنَ الْطَائِفَتَيْنِ.

The takeover process led to a clash between the board members.

أَدَتْ عَمَلِيَةُ الْاِسْتِحْوَاذِ إِلَى صِدَامٍ بَيْنَ أَعْضَاءِ مَجْلِسِ الْإِدَارَةِ.

More Examples

The discourse over local issues deteriorated into a clash.

تَدَهْوَرَ الْحِوَارُ حَوْلَ الْقَضَايَا الْمَحَلِيَّةِ إِلَى صِدَامٍ.

  ∘ How to pronounce صِدَام in English?

clash is pronounced in English as
