جور in English

Meaning of جور in English is: (injustice) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

جور بالانجليزي

English for جور


1) injustice-noun


  ∘ جور meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable, countable] ​the fact of a situation being unfair and of people not being treated equally; an unfair act or an example of unfair treatment

الجور هو عكس العدل وهو الظّلم وانتهاك حقوق الآخرين

  ∘ Examples of جور in English and Arabic

It would be injustice to confiscate all of his fortune

من الجور مصادرة كلّ ثروته

Are not you aware of the injustice you have done?

ألست على دراية بالجور الّذي قمت به

More Examples

The injustice of the police against the prisoners

جور الشّرطة على السّجناء

there was definitely an injustice done

لا بدّ أنّ جورا قد ارتكب

English for جور


1) injustice-noun


  ∘ جَوْر meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable, countable] ​the fact of a situation being unfair and of people not being treated equally; an unfair act or an example of unfair treatment

الجَوْرُ هُوَ عَكْسُ العَدْلِ وَهُوَ الظُّلْمُ وَانْتِهَاكُ حُقُوْقِ الآخَرِيْنَ

  ∘ Examples of جَوْر in English and Arabic

It would be injustice to confiscate all of his fortune

مِنَ الجَوْرِ مُصَادَرَةُ كُلِّ ثَرْوَتِهِ

Are not you aware of the injustice you have done?

أَلَسْتَ عَلَىْ دِرَايَةٍ بِالجَوْرِ الَّذِيْ قُمْتَ بِهِ

More Examples

The injustice of the police against the prisoners

جَوْرُ الشُّرْطَةِ عَلَىْ السُّجَنَاءِ

there was definitely an injustice done

لَا بُدَّ أَنَّ جَوْرًا قَدِ ارْتُكِبَ
