توظيف in English

Meaning of توظيف in English is: (deployment, placement, recruitment) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

توظيف بالانجليزي

English for توظيف


1) deployment -noun


  ∘ توظيف meaning in English & Arabic

​[uncountable] (formal) the act of using something effectively

توظيف شيء أي استخدامه استخداما فعّالا لتحقيق غاية محدّدة

  ∘ Examples of توظيف in English and Arabic

We achieved our aims through the deployment of full recourses that is available

حقّقنا أهدفنا عبر توظيف كافّة الموارد

After three years of the deployment of the new technology, we met our targets

حقّقنا غاياتنا المنشودة بعد ثلاث سنوات من توظيف التّكنولوجيا الجديدة

2) placement-noun


  ∘ توظيف meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] the act of finding somebody a suitable job

التّوظيف أي البحث عن وظيفة والعثور عليها لمصلحة شخص آخر

  ∘ Examples of توظيف in English and Arabic

a job placement service

خدمة التّوظيف

Job placement rates are low

معدّلات التّوظيف منخفضة

More Examples

Job placement programs

برامج التّوظيف

We provide a job placement service

نقدّم خدمة التّوظيف

A job placement company

شركة توظيف

  ∘ How to pronounce توظيف in English?

placement is pronounced in English as

3) recruitment-noun


  ∘ توظيف meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] the process of employing new people to work for a company or organization

التّوظيف هو عمليّة التّعاقد مع أشخاص جدد للعمل في شركة أو مؤسّسة

  ∘ Examples of توظيف in English and Arabic

a recruitment company

شركة توظيف

the recruitment of expert engineers

توظيف مهندسين خبراء

More Examples

the recruitment of sales people

توظيف مندوبي مبيعات

English for توظيف


1) deployment -noun


  ∘ تَوْظِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

​[uncountable] (formal) the act of using something effectively

تَوْظِيْفُ شَيْءٍ أَيْ اسْتِخْدَامُهُ اسْتِخْدَامًا فَعَّالًا لِتَحْقِيْقِ غَايَةٍ مُحَدَّدَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of تَوْظِيْف in English and Arabic

We achieved our aims through the deployment of full recourses that is available

حَقَّقْنَا أَهْدَفَنَا عَبْرَ تَوْظِيْفُ كَافَّةِ المَوَارِدِ

After three years of the deployment of the new technology, we met our targets

حَقَّقْنَا غَايَاتِنَا المَنْشُوْدَةَ بَعْدَ ثَلَاثِ سَنَوَاتٍ مِنْ تَوْظِيْفِ التُّكْنُوْلُوْجْيَا الجَدِيْدَةَ

2) placement-noun


  ∘ تَوْظِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] the act of finding somebody a suitable job

التَّوْظِيْفُ أَيِ البَحْثُ عَنْ وَظِيْفَةٍ وَالعُثُوْرُ عَلَيْهَا لِمَصْلَحَةِ شَخْصٍ آخَرَ

  ∘ Examples of تَوْظِيْف in English and Arabic

a job placement service

خِدْمَةُ التَّوْظِيْفِ

Job placement rates are low

مُعَدَّلَاتُ التَّوْظِيْفِ مُنْخَفِضَةٌ

More Examples

Job placement programs

بَرَامِجُ التَّوْظِيْفِ

We provide a job placement service

نُقَدِّمُ خِدْمَةَ التَّوْظِيْفِ

A job placement company

شَرِكَةُ تَوْظِيْفٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce تَوْظِيْف in English?

placement is pronounced in English as

3) recruitment-noun


  ∘ تَوْظِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] the process of employing new people to work for a company or organization

التَّوْظِيْفُ هُوَ عَمَلِيَّةُ التَّعَاقُدِ مَعَ أَشْخَاصٍ جُدُدٍ لِلْعَمَلِ فِيْ شَرِكَةٍ أَوْ مُؤَسَّسَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of تَوْظِيْف in English and Arabic

a recruitment company

شَرِكَةُ تَوْظِيْفٍ

the recruitment of expert engineers

تَوْظِيْفُ مُهَنْدِسِيْنَ خُبَرَاءَ

More Examples

the recruitment of sales people

تَوْظِيْفُ مَنْدُوْبِيْ مَبِيْعَاتٍ
