بسكويت in English

Meaning of بسكويت in English is: (biscuit) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

بسكويت بالانجليزي

English for بسكويت


1) biscuit-noun


  ∘ بسكويت meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] (British English) a small flat dry cake for one person, usually sweet, and baked until hard

البسكويت هي أقراص هشة تصنع من الدقيق و البيض و السكر و تخبز

  ∘ Examples of بسكويت in English and Arabic

I like to eat coconut biscuits.

أحب أن أتناول بسكويت جوز الهند.

She took some biscuit and some hot tea.

تناولت بعض البسكويت و بعض الشاي الساخن.

More Examples

His breakfast was consisted of a cup of milk and two biscuits.

كان فطوره يتألف من كوب من الحليب و قطعتيّن من البسكويت.

  ∘ How to pronounce بسكويت in English?

biscuit is pronounced in English as

English for بسكويت


1) biscuit-noun


  ∘ بسكويت meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] (British English) a small flat dry cake for one person, usually sweet, and baked until hard

البسكويت هي أقراص هشة تُصنع من الدقيق و البيض و السكر و تُخبز

  ∘ Examples of بسكويت in English and Arabic

I like to eat coconut biscuits.

أحب أن أتناول بسكويت جوز الهند.

She took some biscuit and some hot tea.

تناولت بعض البسكويت و بعض الشاي الساخن.

More Examples

His breakfast was consisted of a cup of milk and two biscuits.

كان فطوره يتألف من كوب من الحليب و قطعتيّن من البسكويت.

  ∘ How to pronounce بسكويت in English?

biscuit is pronounced in English as
