breakfast in Arabic

Meaning of breakfast in Arabic is: (إفطار، فطور) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

breakfast in Arabic

Arabic for breakfast

1) breakfast-noun


  ∘ breakfast meaning in Arabic & English

the first meal of the day

الإفطار هو الوجبة الأولى التي نتناولها في الصباح

  ∘ Examples of breakfast in Arabic and English

She usually takes a light breakfast.

هي عادة تتناول إفطار خفيف.

He likes to have breakfast at 7 o'clock.

يحب أن يتناول الإفطار في الساعة السابعة.

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We had eggs and cheese for breakfast.

أكلنا بيض و جبنة في وجبة الإفطار.

  ∘ How to pronounce breakfast in English?

The word breakfast is pronounced in English as

2) breakfast-noun


  ∘ breakfast meaning in Arabic & English

the first meal of the day

الفطور هو الوجبة الأولى التي بتناولها في الصباح

  ∘ Examples of breakfast in Arabic and English

I prepare breakfast for the family.

أحضر فطور العائلة.

A breakfast is an important meal for the body.

وجبة الفطور مهمة للجسم.

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A breakfast which contains cereal is healthy.

إن الفطور الذي يحتوي حبوب صحيّ.

  ∘ How to pronounce breakfast in English?

The word breakfast is pronounced in English as

Arabic for breakfast

1) breakfast-noun


  ∘ breakfast meaning in Arabic & English

the first meal of the day

الإفطار هو الوجبة الأولى التي نتناولها في الصباح

  ∘ Examples of breakfast in Arabic and English

She usually takes a light breakfast.

هي عادةً تتناول إفطار خفيف.

He likes to have breakfast at 7 o'clock.

يحب أن يتناول الإفطار في الساعة السابعة.

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We had eggs and cheese for breakfast.

أكلنا بيض و جبنة في وجبة الإفطار.

  ∘ How to pronounce breakfast in English?

The word breakfast is pronounced in English as

2) breakfast-noun


  ∘ breakfast meaning in Arabic & English

the first meal of the day

الفطور هو الوجبة الأولى التي بتناولها في الصباح

  ∘ Examples of breakfast in Arabic and English

I prepare breakfast for the family.

أحضر فطور العائلة.

A breakfast is an important meal for the body.

وجبة الفطور مهمة للجسم.

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A breakfast which contains cereal is healthy.

إن الفطور الذي يحتوي حبوب صحيّ.

  ∘ How to pronounce breakfast in English?

The word breakfast is pronounced in English as
