اتصال in English

Meaning of اتصال in English is: (association, attachment, connection) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

اتصال بالانجليزي

English for اتصال


1) association-noun


  ∘ اتصال meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, uncountable] a connection or relationship between people or organizations

الاتصال هو الارتباط بعلاقات بين الناس أو المنظّمات

  ∘ Examples of اتصال in English and Arabic

The association between the two trades increased their profits.

زاد الاتصال بيّن التجارتيّن الربح.

His association with such people may affect him badly.

سوف يؤثر اتصاله مع مثل هؤلاء الناس عليّه بشكل شيّء.

More Examples

They raise a good amount of money for the local community by their associations with each other.

جمعوا مبلغا جيّدا من المال للمجتمع بواسطة اتصالاتهم مع بعضهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce اتصال in English?

association is pronounced in English as

2) attachment-noun


  ∘ اتّصال meaning in English & Arabic

the act of joining one thing to another; a thing that joins two things together

  ∘ Examples of اتّصال in English and Arabic

the upper arm has three points of attachment to the car body

تحوي الذّراع العلويّة ثلاث نقاط اتّصال بجسم السّيّارة

Check the wire attachment to the socket

تحقّق من اتّصال السّلك بالمقبس

  ∘ How to pronounce اتّصال in English?

attachment is pronounced in English as

3) connection-noun


  ∘ اتصال meaning in English & Arabic

something that connects two facts, ideas, etc.

شيء يربط بين حقيقتين أو فكرتين، أو أمرين إلخ.

  ∘ Examples of اتصال in English and Arabic

He has connections in the company.

لديه اتصالات في الشركة.

The teacher explained the connection between cause and effect.

شرح المعلم الاتصال بين السبب والنتيجة.

More Examples

We lost our internet connection.

فقدنا اتصال الإنترنت .

Connections in the brain are important for learning.

الاتصالات في الدماغ مهمة للتعلم.

  ∘ How to pronounce اتصال in English?

connection is pronounced in English as

4) contact-noun


  ∘ اتصال meaning in English & Arabic

the act of communicating with somebody, especially regularly

الاتصال هو عملية التواصل مع شخص ما بانتظام

  ∘ Examples of اتصال in English and Arabic

Keeping in contact with family is important.

البقاء في اتصال مع العائلة مهم.

She lost contact with her friends from college.

فقدت الاتصال بأصدقائها من الكلية.

More Examples

The manager is in constant contact with the team.

المدير في اتصال دائم بالفريق.

They made contact with the new supplier.

أجروا اتصالا بالمورد الجديد.

  ∘ How to pronounce اتصال in English?

contact is pronounced in English as

English for اتصال


1) association-noun


  ∘ اتصال meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, uncountable] a connection or relationship between people or organizations

الاتصال هو الارتباط بعلاقات بين الناس أو المنظّمات

  ∘ Examples of اتصال in English and Arabic

The association between the two trades increased their profits.

زاد الاتصال بيّن التجارتيّن الربح.

His association with such people may affect him badly.

سوف يؤثر اتصاله مع مثل هؤلاء الناس عليّه بشكل شيّء.

More Examples

They raise a good amount of money for the local community by their associations with each other.

جمعوا مبلغاً جيّداً من المال للمجتمع بواسطة اتصالاتهم مع بعضهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce اتصال in English?

association is pronounced in English as

2) attachment-noun


  ∘ اتِّصَال meaning in English & Arabic

the act of joining one thing to another; a thing that joins two things together

  ∘ Examples of اتِّصَال in English and Arabic

the upper arm has three points of attachment to the car body

تَحْوِيْ الذِّرَاعُ العُلْوِيَّةُ ثَلَاثَ نِقَاطِ اتِّصَالٍ بِجِسْمِ السَّيَّارَةِ

Check the wire attachment to the socket

تَحَقَّقْ مِنِ اتِّصَالِ السِّلْكِ بِالمِقْبَسِ

  ∘ How to pronounce اتِّصَال in English?

attachment is pronounced in English as

3) connection-noun


  ∘ اتصال meaning in English & Arabic

something that connects two facts, ideas, etc.

شيء يربط بين حقيقتين أو فكرتين، أو أمرين إلخ.

  ∘ Examples of اتصال in English and Arabic

He has connections in the company.

لديه اتصالات في الشركة.

The teacher explained the connection between cause and effect.

شرح المعلم الاتصال بين السبب والنتيجة.

More Examples

We lost our internet connection.

فقدنا اتصال الإنترنت .

Connections in the brain are important for learning.

الاتصالات في الدماغ مهمة للتعلم.

  ∘ How to pronounce اتصال in English?

connection is pronounced in English as

4) contact-noun


  ∘ اتصال meaning in English & Arabic

the act of communicating with somebody, especially regularly

الاتصال هو عملية التواصل مع شخص ما بانتظام

  ∘ Examples of اتصال in English and Arabic

Keeping in contact with family is important.

البقاء في اتصال مع العائلة مهم.

She lost contact with her friends from college.

فقدت الاتصال بأصدقائها من الكلية.

More Examples

The manager is in constant contact with the team.

المدير في اتصال دائم بالفريق.

They made contact with the new supplier.

أجروا اتصالًا بالمورد الجديد.

  ∘ How to pronounce اتصال in English?

contact is pronounced in English as
