أشقر in English

Meaning of أشقر in English is: (blonde) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

أشقر بالانجليزي

English for أشقر


1) blonde-noun


  ∘ أشقر meaning in English & Arabic

a woman with blonde hair

  ∘ Examples of أشقر in English and Arabic

Is that blonde your chef at work?

هل تلك الشّقراء مديرتك في العمل؟

I think that the blonde is the murderer

أظنّ أنّ الشّقراء هي القاتلة



  ∘ أشقر meaning in English & Arabic

having a pale gold color (of hair)

  ∘ Examples of أشقر in English and Arabic

The cat's blonde hair fell off on the carpet

تساقط شعر القطّة الأشقر على السّجّادة

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  ∘ أشقر meaning in English & Arabic

having a blonde hair

  ∘ Examples of أشقر in English and Arabic

A beautiful blonde girl

فتاة شقراء جميلة

A handsome blonde boy

فتى أشقر وسيم

More Examples

where to dye my hair blonde?

أين يمكنني صبغ شعري أشقرا؟

English for أشقر


1) blonde-noun


  ∘ أَشْقَر meaning in English & Arabic

a woman with blonde hair

  ∘ Examples of أَشْقَر in English and Arabic

Is that blonde your chef at work?

هَلْ تِلْكَ الشَّقْرَاءُ مُدِيْرَتُكَ فِيْ العَمَلِ؟

I think that the blonde is the murderer

أَظُنُّ أَنَّ الشَّقْرَاءَ هِيَ القَاتِلَةُ



  ∘ أَشْقَر meaning in English & Arabic

having a pale gold color (of hair)

  ∘ Examples of أَشْقَر in English and Arabic

The cat's blonde hair fell off on the carpet

تَسَاقَطَ شَعْرُ القِطَّةِ الأَشْقَرُ عَلَىْ السُّجَّادَةِ

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  ∘ أَشْقَر meaning in English & Arabic

having a blonde hair

  ∘ Examples of أَشْقَر in English and Arabic

A beautiful blonde girl

فَتَاةٌ شَقْرَاءُ جَمِيْلَةٌ

A handsome blonde boy

فَتًى أَشْقَرٌ وَسِيْمٌ

More Examples

where to dye my hair blonde?

أَيْنَ يُمْكِنُنِيْ صَبْغُ شَعْرِيَ أَشْقَرًا؟
