pale in Arabic

Meaning of pale in Arabic is: (شاحب) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

pale in Arabic

Arabic for pale

1) pale-adj


  ∘ pale meaning in Arabic & English

having skin that is very light in colour; having skin that has less colour than usual because of illness, a strong emotion, etc.

صاحب بشرة ذات لون فاتح جدا؛ يكون لون البشرة أقل من المعتاد بسبب المرض، أو رد فعل عاطفي قوي، إلخ.

  ∘ Examples of pale in Arabic and English

His face went pale with shock.

بدا وجهه شاحب من الصدمة.

She looked pale and tired.

بدت شاحبة ومتعبة.

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The patient was noticeably pale when admitted to the hospital.

كان المريض شاحبا بشكل ملحوظ عندما تم قبوله في المستشفى.

Arabic for pale

1) pale-adj


  ∘ pale meaning in Arabic & English

having skin that is very light in colour; having skin that has less colour than usual because of illness, a strong emotion, etc.

صاحب بشرة ذات لون فاتح جدًا؛ يكون لون البشرة أقل من المعتاد بسبب المرض، أو رد فعل عاطفي قوي، إلخ.

  ∘ Examples of pale in Arabic and English

His face went pale with shock.

بدا وجهه شاحب من الصدمة.

She looked pale and tired.

بدت شاحبة ومتعبة.

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The patient was noticeably pale when admitted to the hospital.

كان المريض شاحبًا بشكل ملحوظ عندما تم قبوله في المستشفى.
