wise in Arabic

Meaning of wise in Arabic is: (حكيم) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

wise in Arabic

Arabic for wise

1) wise-adj


  ∘ wise meaning in Arabic & English

able to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have

قادر على اتخاذ قرارات سليمة وإعطاء نصائح جيدة بسبب الخبرة والمعرفة التي يمتلكها

  ∘ Examples of wise in Arabic and English

A wise person thinks carefully before speaking.

الشخص الحكيم يفكر بعناية قبل أن يتحدث.

She made a wise choice by investing in her education.

اتخذت قرارا حكيما بالاستثمار في تعليمها.

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Ancient philosophers are often regarded as wise people.

غالبا ما ينظر إلى الفلاسفة القدامى على أنهم أشخاص حكماء.

The wise old man shared his knowledge with the youth.

شارك الرجل العجوز الحكيم معرفته مع الشباب.

It is wise to save money for a rainy day.

من الحكمة ادخار المال للأيام الصعبة.

Their wise words still guide us today.

لا زالت كلماتهم الحكيمة توجهنا اليوم.

  ∘ How to pronounce wise in English?

The word wise is pronounced in English as

Arabic for wise

1) wise-adj


  ∘ wise meaning in Arabic & English

able to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have

قادر على اتخاذ قرارات سليمة وإعطاء نصائح جيدة بسبب الخبرة والمعرفة التي يمتلكها

  ∘ Examples of wise in Arabic and English

A wise person thinks carefully before speaking.

الشخص الحكيم يفكر بعناية قبل أن يتحدث.

She made a wise choice by investing in her education.

اتخذت قراراً حكيماً بالاستثمار في تعليمها.

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Ancient philosophers are often regarded as wise people.

غالباً ما يُنظر إلى الفلاسفة القدامى على أنهم أشخاص حكماء.

The wise old man shared his knowledge with the youth.

شارك الرجل العجوز الحكيم معرفته مع الشباب.

It is wise to save money for a rainy day.

من الحكمة ادخار المال للأيام الصعبة.

Their wise words still guide us today.

لا زالت كلماتهم الحكيمة توجهنا اليوم.

  ∘ How to pronounce wise in English?

The word wise is pronounced in English as
