trick in Arabic

Meaning of trick in Arabic is: (حيلة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

trick in Arabic

Arabic for trick

1) trick-n


  ∘ trick meaning in Arabic & English

something that you do to make somebody believe something that is not true, or to annoy somebody as a joke

شيء تقوم به لجعل شخص ما يصدق شيئا غير صحيح، أو لإزعاج شخص ما كمزحة

  ∘ Examples of trick in Arabic and English

He played a trick on his friends.

لعب حيلة على أصدقائه.

It was just a harmless trick.

كانت مجرد حيلة غير مؤذية.

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Tricks are often played on April Fool

غالبا ما تلعب الحيل في يوم كذبة أبريل.

She knows a trick or two about cooking.

تعرف حيلة أو اثنتين حول الطهي.

Magic tricks amaze children.

تدهش حيل السحرالأطفال.

The magicians performed various tricks.

أدى السحرة العديد من الحيل.

  ∘ How to pronounce trick in English?

The word trick is pronounced in English as

Arabic for trick

1) trick-n


  ∘ trick meaning in Arabic & English

something that you do to make somebody believe something that is not true, or to annoy somebody as a joke

شيء تقوم به لجعل شخص ما يصدق شيئًا غير صحيح، أو لإزعاج شخص ما كمزحة

  ∘ Examples of trick in Arabic and English

He played a trick on his friends.

لعب حيلة على أصدقائه.

It was just a harmless trick.

كانت مجرد حيلة غير مؤذية.

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Tricks are often played on April Fool

غالبًا ما تُلعب الحيل في يوم كذبة أبريل.

She knows a trick or two about cooking.

تعرف حيلة أو اثنتين حول الطهي.

Magic tricks amaze children.

تدهش حيل السحرالأطفال.

The magicians performed various tricks.

أدى السحرة العديد من الحيل.

  ∘ How to pronounce trick in English?

The word trick is pronounced in English as
