slogan in Arabic

Meaning of slogan in Arabic is: (شِعَار) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

slogan in Arabic

Arabic for slogan

1) slogan-noun


  ∘ slogan meaning in Arabic & English

a word or phrase that is easy to remember, used for example by a political party or in advertising to attract people’s attention or to suggest an idea quickly

الشّعار هو كلمة أو عبارة سهلة التّذكّر وجاذبة للانتباه تستخدم في الدّعاية والإعلان أو في الحملات الحزبيّة والسّياسيّة

  ∘ Plural of شعار in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of slogan in Arabic and English

A famous advertising slogan

شعار إعلانيّ شهير

The demonstrators chanted anti-socialist slogans

ردّد المتظاهرون شعارات مناهضة للاشتراكيّة

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The solgans is ' be prepaired'

الشّعار هو "كن مستعدّا"

They used a simple but catchy slogan for their advertising campaign

استخدموا شعارا بسيطا جذّابا في حملتهم الإعلانيّة

A hollow political slogan

شعار سياسيّ أجوف (= فارغ)

Her T-shirt carries anti-capitalist slogans

يحمل قميصها شعارات معادية للرّأسماليّة

  ∘ How to pronounce slogan in English?

The word slogan is pronounced in English as

Arabic for slogan

1) slogan-noun


  ∘ slogan meaning in Arabic & English

a word or phrase that is easy to remember, used for example by a political party or in advertising to attract people’s attention or to suggest an idea quickly

الشِّعَارُ هُوَ كَلِمَةٌ أَوْ عِبَارَةٌ سَهْلَةُ التَّذَكُّرِ وَجَاذِبَةٌ لِلِانْتِبَاهِ تُسْتَخْدَمُ فِيْ الدِّعَايَةِ وَالإِعْلَانِ أَوْ فِيْ الحَمْلَاتِ الحِزْبِيَّةِ وَالسِّيَاسِيَّةِ

  ∘ Plural of شِعَار in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of slogan in Arabic and English

A famous advertising slogan

شِعَارٌ إِعْلَانِيٌّ شَهِيْرٌ

The demonstrators chanted anti-socialist slogans

رَدَّدَ المُتَظَاهِرُوْنُ شِعَارَاتٍ مُنَاهِضَةً لِلِاشْتِرَاكِيَّةِ

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The solgans is ' be prepaired'

الشِّعَارُ هُوَ "كُنْ مُسْتَعِدًّا"

They used a simple but catchy slogan for their advertising campaign

اسْتَخْدَمُوْا شِعَارًا بَسِيْطًا جَذَّابًا فِيْ حَمْلَتِهِمُ الإِعْلَانِيَّةِ

A hollow political slogan

شِعَارٌ سِيَاسِيٌّ أَجْوَفٌ (= فارغ)

Her T-shirt carries anti-capitalist slogans

يَحْمِلُ قَمِيْصُهَا شِعَارَاتٍ مُعَادِيَةً لِلرَّأْسِمَالِيَّةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce slogan in English?

The word slogan is pronounced in English as
