shiny in Arabic

Meaning of shiny in Arabic is: (لَامِع) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

shiny in Arabic

Arabic for shiny

1) shiny-adj


  ∘ shiny meaning in Arabic & English

smooth and bright; reflecting the light

ناعم وبراق؛ يعكس الضوء

  ∘ Examples of shiny in Arabic and English

He polished the car until it was shiny.

نظف السيارة حتى أصبحت لامعة.

The surface of the lake is shiny.

سطح البحيرة لامع .

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She wore her shiny new shoes.

ارتدت حذاءها اللامع الجديد.

The moon was shiny in the night sky.

كان القمر لامعا في سماء الليل.

She admired the shiny apples in the store.

أعجبت بالتفاح اللامع في المتجر.

His eyes were shiny with tears of joy.

كانت عيناه لامعتين بدموع الفرح.

  ∘ How to pronounce shiny in English?

The word shiny is pronounced in English as

Arabic for shiny

1) shiny-adj


  ∘ shiny meaning in Arabic & English

smooth and bright; reflecting the light

ناعم وبراق؛ يعكس الضوء

  ∘ Examples of shiny in Arabic and English

He polished the car until it was shiny.

نظف السيارة حتى أصبحت لامعة.

The surface of the lake is shiny.

سطح البحيرة لامع .

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She wore her shiny new shoes.

ارتدت حذاءها اللامع الجديد.

The moon was shiny in the night sky.

كان القمر لامعا في سماء الليل.

She admired the shiny apples in the store.

أعجبت بالتفاح اللامع في المتجر.

His eyes were shiny with tears of joy.

كانت عيناه لامعتين بدموع الفرح.

  ∘ How to pronounce shiny in English?

The word shiny is pronounced in English as
