shell in Arabic

Meaning of shell in Arabic is: (قِشْرَة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

shell in Arabic

Arabic for shell

1) shell-noun


  ∘ shell meaning in Arabic & English

the hard outer part of eggs, nuts, some seeds, and some animals

الجزء الخارجي الصلب للبيض والمكسرات وبعض البذور وبعض الحيوانات

  ∘ Examples of shell in Arabic and English

He carefully removed the egg shell.

أزال قشرة البيض بعناية.

The turtle has a strong shell.

للسلحفاة قشرة قوية.

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Nuts have hard shells.

للمكسرات قشور صلبة.

The shell of the seed protects it.

تقوم قشرة البذرة بحمايتها.

Some animals have shells for protection.

بعض الحيوانات لديها قشور للحماية.

  ∘ How to pronounce shell in English?

The word shell is pronounced in English as

Arabic for shell

1) shell-noun


  ∘ shell meaning in Arabic & English

the hard outer part of eggs, nuts, some seeds, and some animals

الجزء الخارجي الصلب للبيض والمكسرات وبعض البذور وبعض الحيوانات

  ∘ Examples of shell in Arabic and English

He carefully removed the egg shell.

أزال قشرة البيض بعناية.

The turtle has a strong shell.

للسلحفاة قشرة قوية.

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Nuts have hard shells.

للمكسرات قشور صلبة.

The shell of the seed protects it.

تقوم قشرة البذرة بحمايتها.

Some animals have shells for protection.

بعض الحيوانات لديها قشور للحماية.

  ∘ How to pronounce shell in English?

The word shell is pronounced in English as
