shallow in Arabic

Meaning of shallow in Arabic is: (سطحي) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

shallow in Arabic

Arabic for shallow

1) shallow-adj


  ∘ shallow meaning in Arabic & English

not having much distance between the top or surface and the bottom

لا يوجد مسافة كبيرة بين القمة أو السطح والقاع

  ∘ Examples of shallow in Arabic and English

The shallow end of the pool is popular with children.

يحظى الطرف السطحي للمسبح بشعبية لدى الأطفال.

He waded through the shallow water.

سار في الماء السطحي.

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We need a shallow dish to bake this pie.

نحتاج إلى طبق سطحي لخبز هذه الفطيرة.

Plants with shallow roots are easy to transplant.

النباتات ذات الجذور السطحية سهلة الزرع.

The river becomes shallow as you move upstream.

يصبح النهر سطحيا كلما تقدمت إلى أعلى.

Her knowledge of the subject was quite shallow.

كانت معرفتها بالموضوع سطحية للغاية.

  ∘ How to pronounce shallow in English?

The word shallow is pronounced in English as

Arabic for shallow

1) shallow-adj


  ∘ shallow meaning in Arabic & English

not having much distance between the top or surface and the bottom

لا يوجد مسافة كبيرة بين القمة أو السطح والقاع

  ∘ Examples of shallow in Arabic and English

The shallow end of the pool is popular with children.

يحظى الطرف السطحي للمسبح بشعبية لدى الأطفال.

He waded through the shallow water.

سار في الماء السطحي.

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We need a shallow dish to bake this pie.

نحتاج إلى طبق سطحي لخبز هذه الفطيرة.

Plants with shallow roots are easy to transplant.

النباتات ذات الجذور السطحية سهلة الزرع.

The river becomes shallow as you move upstream.

يصبح النهر سطحيًا كلما تقدمت إلى أعلى.

Her knowledge of the subject was quite shallow.

كانت معرفتها بالموضوع سطحية للغاية.

  ∘ How to pronounce shallow in English?

The word shallow is pronounced in English as
