servant in Arabic

Meaning of servant in Arabic is: (خادم) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

servant in Arabic

Arabic for servant

1) servant-n.


  ∘ servant meaning in Arabic & English

a person who works in another person’s house, and cooks, cleans, etc. for them

شخص يعمل في منزل شخص آخر، ويقوم بالطبخ والتنظيف وغيرها من الأعمال لهم

  ∘ Examples of servant in Arabic and English

The servant cleaned the house.

نظّف الخادم المنزل.

She hired a new servant.

استأجرت خادما جديدا.

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The servants are preparing dinner.

الخدم يحضرون العشاء.

He was treated like a servant.

عمل كخادم.

The royal family has many servants.

لدى العائلة الملكية العديد من الخدم.

She gave instructions to her servants.

أعطت تعليمات لخدمها.

  ∘ How to pronounce servant in English?

The word servant is pronounced in English as

Arabic for servant

1) servant-n.


  ∘ servant meaning in Arabic & English

a person who works in another person’s house, and cooks, cleans, etc. for them

شخص يعمل في منزل شخص آخر، ويقوم بالطبخ والتنظيف وغيرها من الأعمال لهم

  ∘ Examples of servant in Arabic and English

The servant cleaned the house.

نظّف الخادم المنزل.

She hired a new servant.

استأجرت خادمًا جديدًا.

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The servants are preparing dinner.

الخدم يحضرون العشاء.

He was treated like a servant.

عُمل كخادم.

The royal family has many servants.

لدى العائلة الملكية العديد من الخدم.

She gave instructions to her servants.

أعطت تعليمات لخدمها.

  ∘ How to pronounce servant in English?

The word servant is pronounced in English as
