measurement in Arabic

Meaning of measurement in Arabic is: (قِيَاس) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

measurement in Arabic

Arabic for measurement

1) measurement -noun


  ∘ measurement meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of قياس in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of measurement in Arabic and English

We carried out accurate measurements of the salt concentration in seawater

قمنا بقياسات دقيقة لتركيز الملح في مياه البحر

The metric system of measurement

النّظام المتريّ للقياس



  ∘ measurement meaning in Arabic & English

the amount, size or length of something

  ∘ Examples of measurement in Arabic and English

What's your waist measurement?

ما قياس خصرك؟

Take the exact measurements of the room

خذ قياسات الغرفة بدقّة

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The tailor took my measurements to sew me a dress

أخذ الخيّاط قياسي (مقاسي) ليحيك لي فستانا

Arabic for measurement

1) measurement -noun


  ∘ measurement meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of قِيَاس in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of measurement in Arabic and English

We carried out accurate measurements of the salt concentration in seawater

قُمْنَا بِقِيَاسَاتٍ دَقِيْقَةٍ لِتَرْكِيْزِ المِلْحِ فِيْ مِيَاهِ البَحْرِ

The metric system of measurement

النِّظَامُ المِتْرِيُّ لِلْقِيَاسِ



  ∘ measurement meaning in Arabic & English

the amount, size or length of something

  ∘ Examples of measurement in Arabic and English

What's your waist measurement?

مَا قِيَاسُ خَصْرِكَ؟

Take the exact measurements of the room

خُذْ قِيَاسَاتِ الغُرْفَةِ بِدِقَّةٍ

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The tailor took my measurements to sew me a dress

أَخَذَ الخَيَّاطُ قِيَاسِيَ (مَقَاسِيَ) لِيَحِيْكَ لِيْ فُسْتَانًا
