preservation in Arabic

Meaning of preservation in Arabic is: (حِفَاظ، حِفْظ، مُحَافَظَة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

preservation in Arabic

Arabic for preservation

1) preservation-noun


  ∘ preservation meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the act of keeping something in its original state or in good condition

الحفاظ على شيء أي حفظه وحمايته من الضّرر أو التّخريب الخ بحيث يبقى على وضعه أو صورته الأصليّة أو الطّبيعيّة

  ∘ Examples of preservation in Arabic and English

A campaign for the preservation of the environemnt

حملة للحفاظ على البيئة

the preservation of minerals and natural resources

الحفاظ على المعادن والثّروات الطّبيعيّة

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The municipal council placed a preservation ordinance on the historical mosque

أصدر مجلس البلديّة أمرا بالحفاظ على المسجد الأثريّ

wildlife preservation

الحفاظ على الحياة البرّيّة ( =الحيوانات البرّيّة)

the preservation of our national heritage

الحفاظ على تراثنا الوطنيّ

The preservation of Syria’s history is vital to rebuild tourism

لا بدّ من الحفاظ على تاريخ سوريّا لإعادة بناء قطاع السّياحة

  ∘ How to pronounce preservation in English?

The word preservation is pronounced in English as



  ∘ preservation meaning in Arabic & English

the act of making sure that a situation continues without changing

الحفاظ على حالة أو وضع معيّن أي العمل على استمراره على ما هو عليه دون عوائق أو عراقيل

  ∘ Examples of preservation in Arabic and English

the preservation of peace in Irland

الحفاظ على السّلام في إيرلندا

the preservation of the kingdom's interests in the region

الحفاظ على مصالح المملكة في المنطقة

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the economic stimulus plan aims for the preservation of millions of jobs

تهدف خطّة التّحفيز الاقتصاديّ للحفاظ على ملايين الوظائف

2) preservation-noun


  ∘ preservation meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the act of keeping something in its original state or in good condition

حفظ الأطعمة ونحوها أي وضعها في شروط ملائمة لحمايتها من التّعفّن وحفظ البيئة والأبنية ونحوها أي حمايتها والحفاظ عليها لتبقى على صورتها أو حالتها الأصليّة

  ∘ Examples of preservation in Arabic and English

The government plance a preservation order on the church

أصدرت الحكومة أمرا بحفظ الكنيسة

Chemicals used in food preservation

المواد الكيميائيّة في حفظ الأغذية

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Environmental preservation and restoration

حفظ البيئة واستصلاحها

the preservation of books and information

حفظ الكتب والمعلومات

the collection and preservation of DNA samples

جمع عيّنات الحمض النّوويّ وحفظها

  ∘ How to pronounce preservation in English?

The word preservation is pronounced in English as

3) preservation-noun


  ∘ preservation meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the act of keeping something in its original state or in good condition

المحافظة على شيء أي حفظه وحمايته من الضّرر أو التّخريب الخ بحيث يبقى على وضعه أو صورته الأصليّة أو الطّبيعيّة

  ∘ Examples of preservation in Arabic and English

the preservation of farmland

المحافظة على الأراضي الزّراعيّة

the preservation of forests

المحافظة على الغابات

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the preservation of natural resources

المحافظة على الموارد الطّبيعيّة

the preservation of our cultural heritage

المحافظة على إرثنا الثّقافيّ

  ∘ How to pronounce preservation in English?

The word preservation is pronounced in English as



  ∘ preservation meaning in Arabic & English

the act of making sure that a situation continues without changing

المحافظة على حالة أو وضع معيّن أي العمل على استمراره على ما هو عليه دون عوائق أو عراقيل

  ∘ Examples of preservation in Arabic and English

Our priority is the preservation of the kingdom's stability

أولويّتنا المحافظة على استقرار المملكة

the preservation of peace in Libya

المحافظة على السّلام في ليبيا

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the preservation and expansion of their naval base and airbase in Qatar

المحافظة على قاعدتيهم البحريّة والجوّيّة في قطر وتوسعتهما

4) preservation-noun


  ∘ preservation meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the degree to which something has not been changed or damaged by age, weather, etc.

محفوظ أي محميّ من التّخريب

  ∘ Examples of preservation in Arabic and English

The muumies were in an excellent state of preservation

المومياوات محفوظة بصورة ممتازة

The castle is in an excellent state of preservation

القلعة محفوظة بصورة ممتازة

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the finds are made from organic materials and are in an exceptional state of preservation

صنعت المكتشفات من مواد عضويّة ووجدت محفوظة بصورة استثنائيّة

  ∘ How to pronounce preservation in English?

The word preservation is pronounced in English as

Arabic for preservation

1) preservation-noun


  ∘ preservation meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the act of keeping something in its original state or in good condition

الحِفَاظُ عَلَىْ شَيْءٍ أَيْ حِفْظُهُ وَحِمَايَتُهُ مِنَ الضَّرَرِ أَوِ التَّخْرِيْبِ اِلَخْ بِحَيْثُ يَبْقَىْ عَلَىْ وَضْعِهِ أَوْ صُوْرَتِهِ الأَصْلِيَّةِ أَوِ الطَّبِيْعِيَّةِ

  ∘ Examples of preservation in Arabic and English

A campaign for the preservation of the environemnt

حَمْلةٌ لِلْحِفَاظِ عَلَىْ البِيْئَةِ

the preservation of minerals and natural resources

الحِفَاظُ عَلَىْ المَعَادِنِ والثَّرَوَاتِ الطَّبِيْعِيَّةِ

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The municipal council placed a preservation ordinance on the historical mosque

أَصْدَرَ مَجْلِسُ البَلَدِيَّةِ أَمْرًا بِالحِفَاظِ عَلَىْ المَسْجِدِ الأَثَرِيِّ

wildlife preservation

الحِفَاظُ عَلَىْ الحَيَاةِ البَرِّيَّةِ ( =الحَيْوَانَاتِ البَرِّيَّةِ)

the preservation of our national heritage

الحِفَاظُ عَلَىْ تُرَاثِنَا الوَطَنِيِّ

The preservation of Syria’s history is vital to rebuild tourism

لَا بُدَّ مِنَ الحِفَاظِ عَلَىْ تَارِيْخِ سُوْرِيَّا لِإِعادَةِ بِنَاءِ قِطَاعِ السِّيَاحَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce preservation in English?

The word preservation is pronounced in English as



  ∘ preservation meaning in Arabic & English

the act of making sure that a situation continues without changing

الحِفَاظُ عَلَىْ حَالَةٍ أَوْ وَضْعٍ مُعَيَّنٍ أَيِ العَمَلُ عَلَىْ اسْتِمْرَارِهِ عَلَىْ مَا هُوَ عَلَيْهِ دُوْنَ عَوَائِقٍ أَوْ عَرَاقِيْلٍ

  ∘ Examples of preservation in Arabic and English

the preservation of peace in Irland

الحِفَاظُ عَلَىْ السَّلَامِ فِيْ إِيْرْلَنْدَا

the preservation of the kingdom's interests in the region

الحِفَاظُ عَلَىْ مَصَالِحِ المَمْلَكَةِ فِيْ المَنْطِقَةِ

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the economic stimulus plan aims for the preservation of millions of jobs

تَهْدُفُ خُطَّةُ التَّحْفِيْزِ الِاقْتِصَادِيِّ لِلْحِفَاظِ عَلَىْ مَلَايِيْنِ الوَظَائِفِ

2) preservation-noun


  ∘ preservation meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the act of keeping something in its original state or in good condition

حِفْظُ الأَطْعِمَةِ وَنَحْوِهَا أَيْ وَضْعُهَا فِيْ شُرُوْطٍ مُلَائِمَةٍ لِحِمَايَتِهَا مِنَ التَّعَفُّنِ وَحِفْظُ البِيْئَةِ وَالأَبْنِيَةِ وَنَحْوِهَا أَيْ حِمَايَتُهَا وَالحِفَاظُ عَلَيْهَا لِتَبْقَىْ عَلَىْ صُوْرَتِهَا أَوْ حَالَتِهَا الأَصْلِيَّةِ

  ∘ Examples of preservation in Arabic and English

The government plance a preservation order on the church

أَصْدَرَتِ الحُكُوْمَةٌ أَمْرًا بِحِفْظِ الكَنِيْسَةِ

Chemicals used in food preservation

المَوَادُ الكِيْمْيَائِيَّةُ فِيْ حِفْظِ الأَغْذِيَةِ

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Environmental preservation and restoration

حِفْظُ البِيْئَةِ وَاسْتِصْلَاحُهَا

the preservation of books and information

حِفْظُ الكُتُبِ وَالمَعْلُوْمَاتِ

the collection and preservation of DNA samples

جَمْعُ عَيِّنَاتِ الحَمْضِ النَّوَوِيِّ وَحِفْظُهَا

  ∘ How to pronounce preservation in English?

The word preservation is pronounced in English as

3) preservation-noun


  ∘ preservation meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the act of keeping something in its original state or in good condition

المُحَافَظَةُ عَلَىْ شَيْءٍ أَيْ حِفْظُهُ وَحِمَايَتُهُ مِنَ الضَّرَرِ أَوِ التَّخْرِيْبِ اِلَخْ بِحَيْثُ يَبْقَىْ عَلَىْ وَضْعِهِ أَوْ صُوْرَتِهِ الأَصْلِيَّةِ أَوِ الطَّبِيْعِيَّةِ

  ∘ Examples of preservation in Arabic and English

the preservation of farmland

المُحَافَظَةُ عَلَىْ الأَرَاضِيْ الزِّرَاعِيَّةِ

the preservation of forests

المُحَافَظَةُ عَلَىْ الغَابَاتِ

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the preservation of natural resources

المُحَافَظَةُ عَلَىْ المَوَارِدِ الطَّبِيْعِيَّةِ

the preservation of our cultural heritage

المُحَافَظَةُ عَلَىْ إِرْثِنَا الثَّقَافِيِّ

  ∘ How to pronounce preservation in English?

The word preservation is pronounced in English as



  ∘ preservation meaning in Arabic & English

the act of making sure that a situation continues without changing

المُحَافَظَةُ عَلَىْ حَالَةٍ أَوْ وَضْعٍ مُعَيَّنٍ أَيِ العَمَلُ عَلَىْ اسْتِمْرَارِهِ عَلَىْ مَا هُوَ عَلَيْهِ دُوْنَ عَوَائِقٍ أَوْ عَرَاقِيْلٍ

  ∘ Examples of preservation in Arabic and English

Our priority is the preservation of the kingdom's stability

أَوْلَوِيَّتُنَا المُحَافَظَةُ عَلَىْ اسْتِقْرَارِ المَمْلَكَةِ

the preservation of peace in Libya

المُحَافَظَةُ عَلَىْ السَّلَامِ فِيْ لِيْبِيَا

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the preservation and expansion of their naval base and airbase in Qatar

المُحَافَظَةُ عَلَىْ قَاعِدَتَيْهِمُ البَحْرِيَّةَ وَالجَوِّيَّةَ فِيْ قَطَرَ وَتَوْسِعَتُهُمَا

4) preservation-noun


  ∘ preservation meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the degree to which something has not been changed or damaged by age, weather, etc.

مَحْفُوْظٌ أَيْ مَحْمِيٌّ مِنَ التَّخْرِيْبِ

  ∘ Examples of preservation in Arabic and English

The muumies were in an excellent state of preservation

المُوْمْيَاوَاتُ مَحْفُوْظَةٌ بِصُوْرَةٍ مُمْتَازَةٍ

The castle is in an excellent state of preservation

القَلْعَةُ مَحْفُوْظَةٌ بِصُوْرَةٍ مُمْتَازَةٍ

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the finds are made from organic materials and are in an exceptional state of preservation

صُنِعَتِ المُكْتَشَفَاتُ مِنْ مَوَادٍ عُضْوِيَّةً وَوُجِدَتْ مَحْفُوْظَةٍ بِصُوْرَةٍ اسْتِثْنَائِيَّةٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce preservation in English?

The word preservation is pronounced in English as
