perspective in Arabic

Meaning of perspective in Arabic is: (منظور) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

perspective in Arabic

Arabic for perspective

1) Perspective-noun


  ∘ Perspective meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of Perspective in Arabic and English

His perspective on the situation is unique.

منظوره للموقف فريد.

She gained a new perspective after traveling abroad.

اكتسبت منظورا جديدا بعد السفر إلى الخارج.

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The author's perspective is clear in his writings.

منظور الكاتب واضح في كتاباته.

Changing one's perspective leads to different solutions.

تغيير منظور المرء يؤدي إلى حلول مختلفة.

Different cultures offer different perspectives on the same issue.

الثقافات المختلفة تقدم منظورات مختلفة حول نفس القضية.

Perspectives on history change over time.

تتغيرمنظورات التاريخ مع مرور الزمن.

  ∘ How to pronounce Perspective in English?

The word Perspective is pronounced in English as

Arabic for perspective

1) Perspective-noun


  ∘ Perspective meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of Perspective in Arabic and English

His perspective on the situation is unique.

منظوره للموقف فريد.

She gained a new perspective after traveling abroad.

اكتسبت منظورًا جديدًا بعد السفر إلى الخارج.

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The author's perspective is clear in his writings.

منظور الكاتب واضح في كتاباته.

Changing one's perspective leads to different solutions.

تغيير منظور المرء يؤدي إلى حلول مختلفة.

Different cultures offer different perspectives on the same issue.

الثقافات المختلفة تقدم منظورات مختلفة حول نفس القضية.

Perspectives on history change over time.

تتغيرمنظورات التاريخ مع مرور الزمن.

  ∘ How to pronounce Perspective in English?

The word Perspective is pronounced in English as
