owner in Arabic

Meaning of owner in Arabic is: (مالك) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

owner in Arabic

Arabic for owner

1) owner-noun


  ∘ owner meaning in Arabic & English

a person who owns something

شخص يملك شيئا

  ∘ Examples of owner in Arabic and English

The owner of the car parked it in the garage.

قام مالك السيارة بركنها في المرآب.

She is the owner of a small bakery.

هي مالكة مخبز صغير.

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He became the owner of the company last year.

أصبح مالك الشركة في العام الماضي.

Owners of the building are required to pay monthly maintenance fees.

يطلب من مالكي المبنى دفع رسوم صيانة شهرية.

Pet owners should take care of their animals.

يجب على مالكي الحيوانات الأليفة الاهتمام بحيواناتهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce owner in English?

The word owner is pronounced in English as

Arabic for owner

1) owner-noun


  ∘ owner meaning in Arabic & English

a person who owns something

شخص يملك شيئًا

  ∘ Examples of owner in Arabic and English

The owner of the car parked it in the garage.

قام مالك السيارة بركنها في المرآب.

She is the owner of a small bakery.

هي مالكة مخبز صغير.

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He became the owner of the company last year.

أصبح مالك الشركة في العام الماضي.

Owners of the building are required to pay monthly maintenance fees.

يُطلب من مالكي المبنى دفع رسوم صيانة شهرية.

Pet owners should take care of their animals.

يجب على مالكي الحيوانات الأليفة الاهتمام بحيواناتهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce owner in English?

The word owner is pronounced in English as
