meanwhile in Arabic

Meaning of meanwhile in Arabic is: (فِيْ الأَثْنَاءِ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

meanwhile in Arabic

Arabic for meanwhile

1) meanwhile-adv

في الأثناء-ظرف

  ∘ meanwhile meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of meanwhile in Arabic and English

She started cooking; meanwhile, I set the table.

بدأت بالطهي؛ في الأثناء، قمت بتجهيز الطاولة.

He was studying for the exam; meanwhile, his friends were playing.

كان يدرس للامتحان؛ في الأثناء، كان أصدقاؤه يلعبون.

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They are renovating the house; meanwhile, we are living in a hotel.

يقومون بتجديد المنزل؛ في الأثناء، نحن نعيش في فندق.

The teacher explained the lesson; meanwhile, students took notes.

شرح المعلم الدرس؛ في الأثناء، قام الطلاب بتدوين الملاحظات.

We waited for the rain to stop; meanwhile, we played cards.

انتظرنا توقف المطر؛ في الأثناء، لعبنا الورق.

Arabic for meanwhile

1) meanwhile-adv

فِيْ الأَثْنَاءِ-ظرف

  ∘ meanwhile meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of meanwhile in Arabic and English

She started cooking; meanwhile, I set the table.

بدأت بالطهي؛ في الأثناء، قمت بتجهيز الطاولة.

He was studying for the exam; meanwhile, his friends were playing.

كان يدرس للامتحان؛ في الأثناء، كان أصدقاؤه يلعبون.

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They are renovating the house; meanwhile, we are living in a hotel.

يقومون بتجديد المنزل؛ في الأثناء، نحن نعيش في فندق.

The teacher explained the lesson; meanwhile, students took notes.

شرح المعلم الدرس؛ في الأثناء، قام الطلاب بتدوين الملاحظات.

We waited for the rain to stop; meanwhile, we played cards.

انتظرنا توقف المطر؛ في الأثناء، لعبنا الورق.
