Arabic for litre
1) litre (liter)-noun
لتر (ليتر)-اسم
∘ litre (liter) meaning in Arabic & English
[countable] (written abbreviation l) the basic unit for measuring liquid in the metric system
اللّتر أو اللّيتر هو الوحدة القياسيّة لقياس حجم السّائل في النّظام المتريّ
∘ Plural of لتر (ليتر) in Arabic
∘ Examples of litre (liter) in Arabic and English
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Arabic for litre
1) litre (liter)-noun
لِتْر (لِيْتْر)-اسم
∘ litre (liter) meaning in Arabic & English
[countable] (written abbreviation l) the basic unit for measuring liquid in the metric system
اللِّتْرُ أَوِ اللِّيْتْرُ هُوَ الوِحْدَةُ القِيَاسِيَّةُ لِقِيَاسِ حَجْمِ السَّائِلِ فِيْ النِّظَامِ المِتْرِيَّ
∘ Plural of لِتْر (لِيْتْر) in Arabic
∘ Examples of litre (liter) in Arabic and English
The price of the life of gasoline has increased to 3 dollars
ارْتَفَعَ سِعْرُ لِتْرَ البَانْزِيْنَ إِلَىْ 3 دُوْلَارَاتَ
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Buy three litres of olive oil from the grocery store
اشْتَرِ ثَلَاثَ لِتْرَاتَ زَيْتِ زَيْتُوْنٍ مِنَ البِقَالَةِ
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