girlfriend in Arabic

Meaning of girlfriend in Arabic is: (صديقة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

girlfriend in Arabic

Arabic for girlfriend

1) girlfriend-noun


  ∘ girlfriend meaning in Arabic & English

a girl or a woman that somebody is having a romantic relationship with

فتاة أو امرأة لديها علاقة عاطفية مع شخص ما

  ∘ Examples of girlfriend in Arabic and English

He introduced me to his girlfriend.

عرّفني على صديقته.

He met his girlfriend during college.

قابل صديقته خلال دراسته في الكلية.

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Their relationship with their girlfriends is based on mutual respect.

علاقتهم بصديقاتهم مبنية على الاحترام المتبادل.

He is planning for a surprising holiday for his girlfriend.

يخطط لعطلة مفاجئة لصديقته.

Many people find their lifelong girlfriends during their youth.

يجد الكثير من الناس صديقاتهم المقربات مدى الحياة خلال شبابهم.

They were sharing photos of their girlfriends at the party.

كانوا يتشاركون صور صديقاتهم في الحفلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce girlfriend in English?

The word girlfriend is pronounced in English as

Arabic for girlfriend

1) girlfriend-noun


  ∘ girlfriend meaning in Arabic & English

a girl or a woman that somebody is having a romantic relationship with

فتاة أو امرأة لديها علاقة عاطفية مع شخص ما

  ∘ Examples of girlfriend in Arabic and English

He introduced me to his girlfriend.

عرّفني على صديقته.

He met his girlfriend during college.

قابل صديقته خلال دراسته في الكلية.

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Their relationship with their girlfriends is based on mutual respect.

علاقتهم بصديقاتهم مبنية على الاحترام المتبادل.

He is planning for a surprising holiday for his girlfriend.

يخطط لعطلة مفاجئة لصديقته.

Many people find their lifelong girlfriends during their youth.

يجد الكثير من الناس صديقاتهم المقربات مدى الحياة خلال شبابهم.

They were sharing photos of their girlfriends at the party.

كانوا يتشاركون صور صديقاتهم في الحفلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce girlfriend in English?

The word girlfriend is pronounced in English as
