finger in Arabic

Meaning of finger in Arabic is: (إصبع) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

finger in Arabic

Arabic for finger

1) finger-noun


  ∘ finger meaning in Arabic & English

one of the four long thin parts that stick out from the hand (or five, if the thumb is included)

واحد من الأجزاء الأربعة الطويلة النحيلة التي تبرز من اليد (أو خمسة، إذا تم تضمين الإبهام)

  ∘ Examples of finger in Arabic and English

He broke his finger.

كسر إصبعه.

She wears a ring on her finger.

ترتدي خاتما في إصبعها.

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Fingers can bend and straighten

يمكن للأصابع أن تنحني وتستقيم.

He pointed his finger at me.

أشار بإصبعه إلي.

Wash your hands and fingers thoroughly.

اغسل يديك وأصابعك جيدا.

The piano player has nimble fingers.

لدى عازف البيانو أصابع رشيقة.

  ∘ How to pronounce finger in English?

The word finger is pronounced in English as

Arabic for finger

1) finger-noun


  ∘ finger meaning in Arabic & English

one of the four long thin parts that stick out from the hand (or five, if the thumb is included)

واحد من الأجزاء الأربعة الطويلة النحيلة التي تبرز من اليد (أو خمسة، إذا تم تضمين الإبهام)

  ∘ Examples of finger in Arabic and English

He broke his finger.

كسر إصبعه.

She wears a ring on her finger.

ترتدي خاتمًا في إصبعها.

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Fingers can bend and straighten

يمكن للأصابع أن تنحني وتستقيم.

He pointed his finger at me.

أشار بإصبعه إلي.

Wash your hands and fingers thoroughly.

اغسل يديك وأصابعك جيدًا.

The piano player has nimble fingers.

لدى عازف البيانو أصابع رشيقة.

  ∘ How to pronounce finger in English?

The word finger is pronounced in English as
