external in Arabic

Meaning of external in Arabic is: (خارجي) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

external in Arabic

Arabic for external

1) external-adj


  ∘ external meaning in Arabic & English

connected with or located on the outside of something/somebody

متصل أو موجود على الجهة الخارجية من شيء ما أو شخص

  ∘ Examples of external in Arabic and English

The building has beautiful external features.

للمبنى ملامح خارجية جميلة.

External factors can influence our decision.

العوامل الخارجية يمكن أن تؤثر على قرارنا.

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He applied an external coat of paint to the wall.

قام بتطبيق طبقة خارجية من الطلاء على الجدار.

Students are assessed by both internal and external examiners.

يتم تقييم الطلاب من قبل الممتحنين الداخليين والخارجيين.

The external appearance can be deceiving.

المظهر الخارجي يمكن أن يكون خادعا.

She focused on the external beauty of the place.

ركزت على جمال المكان الخارجي.

  ∘ How to pronounce external in English?

The word external is pronounced in English as

Arabic for external

1) external-adj


  ∘ external meaning in Arabic & English

connected with or located on the outside of something/somebody

متصل أو موجود على الجهة الخارجية من شيء ما أو شخص

  ∘ Examples of external in Arabic and English

The building has beautiful external features.

للمبنى ملامح خارجية جميلة.

External factors can influence our decision.

العوامل الخارجية يمكن أن تؤثر على قرارنا.

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He applied an external coat of paint to the wall.

قام بتطبيق طبقة خارجية من الطلاء على الجدار.

Students are assessed by both internal and external examiners.

يتم تقييم الطلاب من قبل الممتحنين الداخليين والخارجيين.

The external appearance can be deceiving.

المظهر الخارجي يمكن أن يكون خادعًا.

She focused on the external beauty of the place.

ركزت على جمال المكان الخارجي.

  ∘ How to pronounce external in English?

The word external is pronounced in English as
