expect in Arabic

Meaning of expect in Arabic is: (توقع) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

expect in Arabic

Arabic for expect

1) expect-v


  ∘ expect meaning in Arabic & English

to think or believe that something will happen or that somebody will do something

الاعتقاد أو الظن بأن شيئا ما سيحدث أو أن شخصا ما سيقوم بشيء ما

  ∘ Examples of expect in Arabic and English

I expect to hear from them soon.

أتوقع أن أسمع منهم قريبا.

We expected him to arrive before noon.

توقعنا وصوله قبل الظهر.

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Do you expect the project to be finished on time?

هل تتوقع أن ينتهي المشروع في الوقت المحدد؟

She didn't expect to win the competition.

لم تتوقع الفوز في المسابقة.

They are expecting a baby.

يتوقعون مولودا.

He expects the weather to improve.

يتوقع أن يتحسن الطقس.

  ∘ How to pronounce expect in English?

The word expect is pronounced in English as

Arabic for expect

1) expect-v


  ∘ expect meaning in Arabic & English

to think or believe that something will happen or that somebody will do something

الاعتقاد أو الظن بأن شيئًا ما سيحدث أو أن شخصًا ما سيقوم بشيء ما

  ∘ Examples of expect in Arabic and English

I expect to hear from them soon.

أتوقع أن أسمع منهم قريبًا.

We expected him to arrive before noon.

توقعنا وصوله قبل الظهر.

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Do you expect the project to be finished on time?

هل تتوقع أن ينتهي المشروع في الوقت المحدد؟

She didn't expect to win the competition.

لم تتوقع الفوز في المسابقة.

They are expecting a baby.

يتوقعون مولوداً.

He expects the weather to improve.

يتوقع أن يتحسن الطقس.

  ∘ How to pronounce expect in English?

The word expect is pronounced in English as
