existence in Arabic

Meaning of existence in Arabic is: (وجود) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

existence in Arabic

Arabic for existence

1) existence-N


  ∘ existence meaning in Arabic & English

the state or fact of being real or living or of being present

الحالة أو الواقع بأن شيئا ما حقيقي أو حي أو موجود

  ∘ Examples of existence in Arabic and English

Evidence supports the existence of water on Mars.

الأدلة تدعم وجود الماء على المريخ.

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Their happiness depends on the existence of trust between them.

سعادتهم تعتمد على وجود الثقة بينهما.

The existence of dinosaurs ended millions of years ago.

انتهى وجود الديناصورات قبل ملايين السنين.

The existence of various cultures enriches society.

يثري وجود ثقافات متعددة المجتمع.

  ∘ How to pronounce existence in English?

The word existence is pronounced in English as

Arabic for existence

1) existence-N


  ∘ existence meaning in Arabic & English

the state or fact of being real or living or of being present

الحالة أو الواقع بأن شيئاً ما حقيقي أو حي أو موجود

  ∘ Examples of existence in Arabic and English

Evidence supports the existence of water on Mars.

الأدلة تدعم وجود الماء على المريخ.

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Their happiness depends on the existence of trust between them.

سعادتهم تعتمد على وجود الثقة بينهما.

The existence of dinosaurs ended millions of years ago.

انتهى وجود الديناصورات قبل ملايين السنين.

The existence of various cultures enriches society.

يثري وجود ثقافات متعددة المجتمع.

  ∘ How to pronounce existence in English?

The word existence is pronounced in English as
