ethnic in Arabic

Meaning of ethnic in Arabic is: (عِرْقِيّ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

Arabic for ethnic

1) ethnic-adj


  ∘ ethnic meaning in Arabic & English

connected with or belonging to a nation or people that shares a cultural tradition

عرقيّ أي مرتبط بمجموعة بشريّة أو شعب أو أمّة أو ثقافة معيّنة

  ∘ Examples of ethnic in Arabic and English

There are several ethnic and religious minorities in Syria

هناك بضعة أقلّيّات عرقيّة ودينيّة في سوريّا

Many ethnic groups were exterminated in North America

أبيدت مجموعات عرقيّة كثيرة في أمريكا الشّماليّة

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We eradicated the ethnic tensions in the country

قضينا على التّوتّرات العرقيّة في البلاد

Ethnic violence is responsible for displacing more than 50 thousands person

العنف العرقيّ مسؤول عن تشريد أزيد من 50 ألف شخص

Ethnic Turkish living in Germany

غرقيّة تركيّة تعيش في ألمانيا

The regime is practicing ethnic cleansing

يمارس النّظام التّطهير العرقيّ

  ∘ How to pronounce ethnic in English?

The word ethnic is pronounced in English as

Arabic for ethnic

1) ethnic-adj


  ∘ ethnic meaning in Arabic & English

connected with or belonging to a nation or people that shares a cultural tradition

عِرْقِيٌّ أَيْ مُرْتَبِطٌ بِمَجْمُوْعَةٍ بَشَرِيَّةٍ أَوْ شَعْبٍ أَوْ أُمَّةٍ أَوْ ثَقَافَةٍ مُعَيَّنَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of ethnic in Arabic and English

There are several ethnic and religious minorities in Syria

هُنَاكَ بِضْعَةُ أَقَلِّيَّاتٍ عِرْقِيَّةٍ وَدِيْنِيَّةٍ فِيْ سُوْرِيَّا

Many ethnic groups were exterminated in North America

أُبِيْدَتْ مَجْمُوْعَاتٌ عِرْقِيَّةٌ كَثِيْرَةٌ فِيْ أَمْرِيْكَا الشَّمَالِيَّةَ

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We eradicated the ethnic tensions in the country

قَضَيْنَا عَلَىْ التَّوَتُّرَاتِ العِرْقِيَّةِ فِيْ البِلَادِ

Ethnic violence is responsible for displacing more than 50 thousands person

العُنْفُ العِرْقِيُّ مَسْؤُوْلٌ عَنْ تَشْرِيْدِ أَزْيَدَ مِنْ 50 أَلْفِ شَخْصٍ

Ethnic Turkish living in Germany

غِرْقِيَّةٌ تُرْكِيَّةٌ تَعِيْشُ فِيْ أَلْمَانْيَا

The regime is practicing ethnic cleansing

يُمَارِسُ النِّظَامُ التَّطْهِيْرَ العِرْقِيَّ

  ∘ How to pronounce ethnic in English?

The word ethnic is pronounced in English as
