Arabic for electoral
1) electoral-adj
∘ electoral meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of electoral in Arabic and English
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The electoral laws should be reformed to prevent deception and forgery
يجب تعديل القوانين الانتخابيّة لمنع الاحتيال والتّزوير
The party's unprecedented electoral defeat
خسارة الحزب الانتخابيّة غير المسبوقة
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Arabic for electoral
1) electoral-adj
∘ electoral meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of electoral in Arabic and English
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The electoral laws should be reformed to prevent deception and forgery
يَجِبُ تَعْدِيْلُ القَوَانِيْنِ الِانْتِخَابِيَّةِ لِمَنْعِ الِاحْتِيَالِ وَالتَّزْوِيْرِ
The party's unprecedented electoral defeat
خَسَارَةُ الحِزْبِ الِانْتِخَابِيَّةُ غَيْرُ المَسْبُوْقَةِ
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