economics in Arabic

Meaning of economics in Arabic is: (اقْتِصَاد) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

economics in Arabic

Arabic for economics

1) economics-noun


  ∘ economics meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the study of how a society organizes its money, trade and industry

الاقتصاد هو العلم الّذي يعنى بدراسة الإنتاج والتّوزيع للبضائع والخدمات في دولة أو دول محدّدة

  ∘ Examples of economics in Arabic and English

He studies economics at UCL

يدرس الاقتصاد في جامعة كلّيّة لندن

She works as a professor of economics

تعمل كأستاذة في الاقتصاد

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I find economics difficult to be understood

أجد الاقتصاد صعب الفهم

She is an expert in economics

إنّها خبيرة في الاقتصاد

His mother has a degree in economics

لدى أمّه إجازة في الاقتصاد

Economics is taught with law and politics

يدرّس الاقتصاد مع القانون والسّياسة

  ∘ How to pronounce economics in English?

The word economics is pronounced in English as



  ∘ economics meaning in Arabic & English

[plural] the way in which money influences whether a plan, business etc will work effectively

الاقتصاد هو الطّريقة الّتي يؤثّر بها المال على سير مشروع أو خطّة ما

  ∘ Examples of economics in Arabic and English

The first lecture in the economics of the project is important

إنّ المحاضرة الأولى في اقتصاديّات المشروع مهمّة

Arabic for economics

1) economics-noun


  ∘ economics meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the study of how a society organizes its money, trade and industry

الِاقْتِصَادُ هُوَ العِلْمُ الَّذِيْ يَعْنَىْ بِدِرَاسَةِ الإِنْتَاجِ وَالتَّوْزِيْعِ لِلْبَضَائِعِ وَالخَدَمَاتِ فِيْ دَوْلَةٍ أَوْ دُوَلٍ مُحَدَّدَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of economics in Arabic and English

He studies economics at UCL

يَدْرُسُ الِاقْتِصَادَ فِيْ جَامِعَةِ كُلِّيَّةِ لُنْدُنَ

She works as a professor of economics

تَعْمَلُ كَأُسْتَاذَةٍ فِيْ الِاقْتِصَادِ

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I find economics difficult to be understood

أَجِدُ الِاقْتِصَادَ صَعْبَ الفَهْمِ

She is an expert in economics

إِنَّهَا خَبِيْرَةٌ فِيْ الِاقْتِصَادِ

His mother has a degree in economics

لَدَىْ أُمِّهِ إِجَازَةٌ فِيْ الِاقْتِصَادِ

Economics is taught with law and politics

يُدَرَّسُ الِاقْتِصَادُ مَعَ القَانُوْنِ وَالسِّيَاسَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce economics in English?

The word economics is pronounced in English as



  ∘ economics meaning in Arabic & English

[plural] the way in which money influences whether a plan, business etc will work effectively

الِاقْتِصَادُ هُوَ الطَّرِيْقَةُ الَّتِيْ يُؤَثِّرُ بِهَا المَالُ عَلَىْ سَيْرِ مَشْرُوْع ٍأَوْ خُطَّةٍ مَا

  ∘ Examples of economics in Arabic and English

The first lecture in the economics of the project is important

إِنَّ المُحَاضَرَةَ الأُوْلَىْ فِيْ اقْتِصَادِيَّاتِ المَشْرُوْعِ مُهِمَّةٌ
