desire in Arabic

Meaning of desire in Arabic is: (رغبة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

desire in Arabic

Arabic for desire

1) desire-noun


  ∘ desire meaning in Arabic & English

a strong wish to have or do something

رغبة قوية لامتلاك أو القيام بشيء

  ∘ Examples of desire in Arabic and English

He had a strong desire to travel around the world.

كانت لديه رغبة قوية في السفر حول العالم.

Her desire for knowledge was evident.

كانت رغبتها في المعرفة واضحة.

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They shared a common desire for peace.

تشاركوا في رغبة مشتركة في السلام.

His desire to succeed was unsurpassed.

كانت رغبته في النجاح لا مثيل لها.

The movie sparked a desire in her to become an actress.

أثار الفيلم رغبة في داخلها لتصبح ممثلة.

People have different desires in life.

للناس رغبات مختلفة في الحياة.

  ∘ How to pronounce desire in English?

The word desire is pronounced in English as

Arabic for desire

1) desire-noun


  ∘ desire meaning in Arabic & English

a strong wish to have or do something

رغبة قوية لامتلاك أو القيام بشيء

  ∘ Examples of desire in Arabic and English

He had a strong desire to travel around the world.

كانت لديه رغبة قوية في السفر حول العالم.

Her desire for knowledge was evident.

كانت رغبتها في المعرفة واضحة.

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They shared a common desire for peace.

تشاركوا في رغبة مشتركة في السلام.

His desire to succeed was unsurpassed.

كانت رغبته في النجاح لا مثيل لها.

The movie sparked a desire in her to become an actress.

أثار الفيلم رغبة في داخلها لتصبح ممثلة.

People have different desires in life.

للناس رغبات مختلفة في الحياة.

  ∘ How to pronounce desire in English?

The word desire is pronounced in English as
