correspondent in Arabic

Meaning of correspondent in Arabic is: (مُرَاسِل) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

correspondent in Arabic

Arabic for correspondent

1) correspondent-noun


  ∘ correspondent meaning in Arabic & English

a person who reports news from a particular country or on a particular subject for a newspaper or a television or radio station

المراسل هو إعلاميّ ينقل الأخبار من موقع الحدث لصحيفة أو محطّة تلفزيونيّة أو إذاعيّة

  ∘ Plural of مراسل in Arabic

مراسلون/ مراسلين/ مراسلات

  ∘ Examples of correspondent in Arabic and English

He is a correspondent for Al-Jazeera channel

إنّه مراسل لقناة الجزيرة

Sports correspondent

مراسلة رياضيّة

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BBC's correspondent was arrested by the police

اعتقلت الشّرطة مراسل البي بي سي

Three correspondents was killed in the bombing raid

قتل ثلاثة مراسلين في الغارة الجوّيّة

  ∘ How to pronounce correspondent in English?

The word correspondent is pronounced in English as



  ∘ correspondent meaning in Arabic & English

(used with an adjective) a person who writes letters, emails, etc. to another person

المراسل هو شخص يكتب الرّسائل إلى أشخاص آخرين

  ∘ Examples of correspondent in Arabic and English

She is a witty correspondent

كانت مراسلة سريعة البديهة

He is a professional correspondent

إنّه مراسل محترف

Arabic for correspondent

1) correspondent-noun


  ∘ correspondent meaning in Arabic & English

a person who reports news from a particular country or on a particular subject for a newspaper or a television or radio station

المُرَاسِلُ هُوَ إِعْلَامِيٌّ يَنْقُلُ الأَخْبَارَ مِنْ مَوْقِعِ الحَدَثِ لِصَحِيْفَةٍ أَوْ مَحَطَّةٍ تِلْفِزْيُوْنِيَّةً أَوْ إِذَاعِيَّةً

  ∘ Plural of مُرَاسِل in Arabic

مُرَاسِلُوْن/ مُرَاسِلِيْن/ مُرَاسِلَات

  ∘ Examples of correspondent in Arabic and English

He is a correspondent for Al-Jazeera channel

إِنَّهُ مُرَاسِلٌ لِقَنَاةِ الجَزِيْرَةِ

Sports correspondent

مُرَاسِلَةٌ رِيَاضِيَّةٌ

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BBC's correspondent was arrested by the police

اعْتَقَلَتِ الشُّرْطَةُ مُرَاسِلَ البِيْ بِيْ سِيْ

Three correspondents was killed in the bombing raid

قُتِلَ ثَلَاثَةُ مُرَاسِلِيْنَ فِيْ الغَارَةِ الجَوِّيَّةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce correspondent in English?

The word correspondent is pronounced in English as



  ∘ correspondent meaning in Arabic & English

(used with an adjective) a person who writes letters, emails, etc. to another person

المُرَاسِلُ هُوَ شَخْصٌ يَكْتُبُ الرَّسَائِلَ إِلَىْ أَشْخَاصٍ آخَرِيْنَ

  ∘ Examples of correspondent in Arabic and English

She is a witty correspondent

كَانَتْ مُرَاسِلَةٌ سَرِيْعَةَ البَدِيْهَةِ

He is a professional correspondent

إِنَّهُ مُرَاسِلٌ مُحْتَرِفٌ
