consequence in Arabic

Meaning of consequence in Arabic is: (عاقبة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

consequence in Arabic

Arabic for consequence

1) consequence-noun


  ∘ consequence meaning in Arabic & English

a result of something that has happened, especially an unpleasant result

العاقبة هي نتيجة لشيء حدث و هي نتيجة غير مرغوبة

  ∘ Examples of consequence in Arabic and English

He didn't consider the consequences of his actions.

لم يفكر في عواقب أفعاله.

Facing the consequences is part of growing up.

مواجهة العواقب جزء من النمو.

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The environmental consequences of deforestation are severe.

العواقب البيئية لإزالة الغابات خطيرة.

The consequences of the decision affected many people.

أثرت عواقب القرار على العديد من الأشخاص.

  ∘ How to pronounce consequence in English?

The word consequence is pronounced in English as

Arabic for consequence

1) consequence-noun


  ∘ consequence meaning in Arabic & English

a result of something that has happened, especially an unpleasant result

العاقبة هي نتيجة لشيء حدث و هي نتيجة غير مرغوبة

  ∘ Examples of consequence in Arabic and English

He didn't consider the consequences of his actions.

لم يفكر في عواقب أفعاله.

Facing the consequences is part of growing up.

مواجهة العواقب جزء من النمو.

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The environmental consequences of deforestation are severe.

العواقب البيئية لإزالة الغابات خطيرة.

The consequences of the decision affected many people.

أثرت عواقب القرار على العديد من الأشخاص.

  ∘ How to pronounce consequence in English?

The word consequence is pronounced in English as
