coconut in Arabic

Meaning of coconut in Arabic is: (جَوْزُ هِنْد) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

coconut in Arabic

Arabic for coconut

1) coconut -noun

جوز هند-اسم

  ∘ Examples of coconut in Arabic and English

Coconut palms grow in tropic regions

ينمو نخيل جوز الهند في المناطق الاستوائيّة

Coconut's shells are very hard

قشور جوز الهند صلبة جدّا

Arabic for coconut

1) coconut -noun

جَوْزُ هِنْد-اسم

  ∘ Examples of coconut in Arabic and English

Coconut palms grow in tropic regions

يَنْمُو نَخِيْلُ جَوْزِ الهِنْدِ فِيْ المَنَاطِقِ الاسْتِوَائِيَّةِ

Coconut's shells are very hard

قِشُورُ جَوْزِ الهِنْدِ صَلْبَةٌ جِدَّاً
