grow in Arabic

Meaning of grow in Arabic is: (نَمَا) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

grow in Arabic

Arabic for grow

1) grow-v


  ∘ grow meaning in Arabic & English

to increase in size, number, strength, or quality

الزيادة في الحجم، العدد، القوة، أو الجودة

  ∘ Examples of grow in Arabic and English

Plants grow in the sunlight.

تنمو النباتات في ضوء الشمس.

The company has grown significantly in the past year.

نمت الشركة بشكل ملحوظ في العام الماضي.

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My interest in gardening has grown over time.

نما اهتمامي بالبستنة مع مرور الوقت.

The child grew quickly and became very tall.

نما الطفل بسرعة وأصبح طويلا جدا.

We need to grow our savings for the future.

عليّنا أن ننمي مدخراتنا من أجل المستقبل.

His love for her grew stronger every day.

نما حبه لها و اصبح أقوى في كل يوم.

  ∘ How to pronounce grow in English?

The word grow is pronounced in English as

Arabic for grow

1) grow-v


  ∘ grow meaning in Arabic & English

to increase in size, number, strength, or quality

الزيادة في الحجم، العدد، القوة، أو الجودة

  ∘ Examples of grow in Arabic and English

Plants grow in the sunlight.

تنمو النباتات في ضوء الشمس.

The company has grown significantly in the past year.

نمت الشركة بشكل ملحوظ في العام الماضي.

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My interest in gardening has grown over time.

نما اهتمامي بالبستنة مع مرور الوقت.

The child grew quickly and became very tall.

نما الطفل بسرعة وأصبح طويلًا جدًا.

We need to grow our savings for the future.

عليّنا أن ننمي مدخراتنا من أجل المستقبل.

His love for her grew stronger every day.

نما حبه لها و اصبح أقوى في كل يوم.

  ∘ How to pronounce grow in English?

The word grow is pronounced in English as
