cheerful in Arabic

Meaning of cheerful in Arabic is: (فَرِح، مبتهج، مبهّج) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

cheerful in Arabic

Arabic for cheerful

1) cheerful-adj


  ∘ cheerful meaning in Arabic & English

happy, and showing it by the way that you behave

شخص فرح أيّ شخص مبتهج أو سعيد و يظهر ذلك من خلال تصرفاته

  ∘ Examples of cheerful in Arabic and English

You seem cheerful today.

تبدو فرحا اليّوم.

He looks cheerful when he meet his friends.

يبدو فرحا عندما يلقى أصدقاءه.

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She became more cheerful than before passing her exam.

أصبحت فرحة أكثر من قبل أن تجتاز امتحانها.

  ∘ How to pronounce cheerful in English?

The word cheerful is pronounced in English as

2) happy, and showing it by the way that you behave-adj


  ∘ happy, and showing it by the way that you behave meaning in Arabic & English

happy, and showing it by the way that you behave

شخص مبتهج أيّ شخص يبدي الفرح و السرور بتصرفاته

  ∘ Examples of happy, and showing it by the way that you behave in Arabic and English

She is always cheerful in spite of her difficult circumstances.

إنها دائما مبتهجة رغم ظروفها الصعبّة.

He became cheerful when he heard the good news.

أصبح مبتهجا عندما سمع الأخبار الجيّدة.

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The students seem cheerful today; they must have got high marks.

يبدو أن الطلاب مبتهجين اليوم، يجب أن يكونوا قد حصلوا على علامات عاليّة.

3) cheerful-adj


  ∘ cheerful meaning in Arabic & English

giving you a feeling of happiness

الشيّء المبهّج هو الشيّء الذي يبعث الفرح و السرور في نفوس الناس

  ∘ Examples of cheerful in Arabic and English

Blue is a cheerful colour.

إن اللون الأزرق لون مبهّج.

His cheerful jokes make us happy.

مزاحه المبهّج يجعلنا سعداء.

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The garden is surrounded with pine trees which make it cheerful.

إن الحديقة محاطة بشجر الصنوبر، مما يجعلها مبهّجة.

  ∘ How to pronounce cheerful in English?

The word cheerful is pronounced in English as

Arabic for cheerful

1) cheerful-adj


  ∘ cheerful meaning in Arabic & English

happy, and showing it by the way that you behave

شخص فَرِح أيّ شخص مبتهج أو سعيد و يُظهر ذلك من خلال تصرفاته

  ∘ Examples of cheerful in Arabic and English

You seem cheerful today.

تبدو فَرِحاً اليّوم.

He looks cheerful when he meet his friends.

يبدو فَرِحاً عندما يلقى أصدقاءه.

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She became more cheerful than before passing her exam.

أصبحت فَرِحة أكثر من قبل أن تجتاز امتحانها.

  ∘ How to pronounce cheerful in English?

The word cheerful is pronounced in English as

2) happy, and showing it by the way that you behave-adj


  ∘ happy, and showing it by the way that you behave meaning in Arabic & English

happy, and showing it by the way that you behave

شخص مبتهج أيّ شخص يبدي الفرح و السرور بتصرفاته

  ∘ Examples of happy, and showing it by the way that you behave in Arabic and English

She is always cheerful in spite of her difficult circumstances.

إنها دائماً مبتهجة رغم ظروفها الصعبّة.

He became cheerful when he heard the good news.

أصبح مبتهجاً عندما سمع الأخبار الجيّدة.

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The students seem cheerful today; they must have got high marks.

يبدو أن الطلاب مبتهجين اليوم، يجب أن يكونوا قد حصلوا على علامات عاليّة.

3) cheerful-adj


  ∘ cheerful meaning in Arabic & English

giving you a feeling of happiness

الشيّء المبهّج هو الشيّء الذي يبعث الفرح و السرور في نفوس الناس

  ∘ Examples of cheerful in Arabic and English

Blue is a cheerful colour.

إن اللون الأزرق لون مبهّج.

His cheerful jokes make us happy.

مزاحه المبهّج يجعلنا سعداء.

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The garden is surrounded with pine trees which make it cheerful.

إن الحديقة محاطة بشجر الصنوبر، مما يجعلها مبهّجة.

  ∘ How to pronounce cheerful in English?

The word cheerful is pronounced in English as
