carrot in Arabic

Meaning of carrot in Arabic is: (جَزَرَة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

carrot in Arabic

Arabic for carrot

1) carrot-noun


  ∘ Plural of جزرة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of carrot in Arabic and English

Put the grated carrots in the bowl

ضع الجزر المبشور في الوعاء

I like vegetables, such as carrots and cucumbers and fruits, such as apples and oranges

أحبّ الخضار كالخيار والجزر والفاكهة كالتّفّاح والبرتقال

  ∘ How to pronounce carrot in English?

The word carrot is pronounced in English as

Arabic for carrot

1) carrot-noun


  ∘ Plural of جَزَرَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of carrot in Arabic and English

Put the grated carrots in the bowl

ضَعِ الجَزَرَ المَبْشُورَ فِي الوِعَاءِ

I like vegetables, such as carrots and cucumbers and fruits, such as apples and oranges

أُحِبُّ الخُضَارَ كَالخِيَارِ وَالجَزَرِ وَالفَاكِهَةَ كَالتُّفَّاحِ وَالبُرتُقَالِ

  ∘ How to pronounce carrot in English?

The word carrot is pronounced in English as
